The Unproductive Emotion of Guilt

More than any other negative emotion, guilt robs us of energy that can be used to repair a situation that has led to the mental choosing of guilt in the first place. And it keeps an individual from learning how to avoid again a past act that was spiritually unproductive. 

Guilt stems from mental judgment that an act is “bad”. It is not. A negative act is a mistake which is non-life affirming, but it is not “bad”. For all spirits are evolving out of fear. They therefore need to be allowed to make as many mistakes as is needed until the learning about one’s negative behavior can occur. And the Universal Mind has endless patience and love for an evolving spirit to make mistakes until they rise above their fear.

Any thought that weighs whether something is either “bad” or “good” is simply a mental judgment. The saying, “Judge not!” is quoted a lot but seldom followed; For humans almost can’t imagine not judging reality in some way whilst their ego is still in charge. Total acceptance and unconditional love for all things is the ultimate challenge for a human in order to achieve self-actualization. The consciousness must free itself of all judgment, and especially the emotion of guilt.

Since guilt involves regret over a past action, it intrinsically takes a person out of the present moment, and mentally locks them to the past. Time is an illusion of the Mind created by Ego. Ego is that part of consciousness that was created from fear and resistance to the present moment. There is only the Eternal Now. But when the mind got caught in feeling bad about past actions or negative emotions, the consciousness split from the Eternal Now and became focused on the past, putting up a wall of denial. Since the past is over and cannot ever be relived, this is a venture into that which is pointless and illusory.

Without guilt disturbing or interrupting the learning process for a regrettable action, one can then put Mind into a productive mode attempting to assimilate a learning experience by having more awareness to not commit the non-life affirming act again.

Guilt also encourages the erroneous belief in “sin”, an act so evil that it leads to separation from the Universal Consciousness. Notice the words “live” and “evil” are mirror images of each other. Any act that backwardly affects living is “evil”, but it is not “bad.”

Since All is connected to the One Mind, regardless of each soul’s individual spiritual development, it is only on the mercurial, Mental Plane that one can imagine personal separation from All That Is. In other words, a belief in separation can only be seen through the delusional, blurred lens of the Ego. 

So one needs to rethink the concept of “sin” if one is to take charge of guilty feelings. It has been shared by Higher Realms that those born into the Catholic Religion, in particular, are working through a tendency on the soul level to choose guilt when regretting a past action. Perfectionism contained within that church dogma is fertile ground for eventually removing guilt from one’s consciousness.

The only real sin is the belief in sin, that one can be banished from heavenly rewards once a human has left the Physical Plane. Exiting the body upon death is automatic. That is not to say, that an individual is not responsible for causing pain to others when a spirit does so in life. But that balancing comes through karmic lessons learnt in the future, not judgment, nor punishment from Higher Realms, nor separation from the higher dimensional state where the soul resides, the 7th dimension, also known as Heaven, Nirvana or Paradise.

It was the primary intent of the dark forces that want to lead spirits away from the Source that presented the concept of sin to humanity eons ago, the serpent symbol in Eden. The forked tongue is a symbol of a split in consciousness. That is precisely why the serpent lives in the judgment tree. For it was through judging the self, and swallowing negative emotions like anger, the red apple symbol, that spirits weakened and turned their awareness away from learning. Plus, if one beats and whips oneself for a mistake like the flagellants of the 17th Century, then no thought nor energy is put towards personal growth, the exact result the dark forces were and are still wanting to promote. 

Just as there are spirits of light, there are those who wish only to hurt humanity, challenging the Divine Energy of Love. How better than to do that by suggesting that guilt be chosen after the mental folly of judgment against the Self. And if it is thought that sinful behavior separates a soul from the Divine, then only more fear is created. These entities of darkness literally feed on negative energy, fear in all forms.

Then one may ask, “But I have been taught that the Ascended Master, Jesus, washes our sins away if we believe in him”. Nothing has been more misunderstood than this religious interpretation of this loving Avatar. In truth, the Way-shower of the Piscean Age, performed an important martyred, sacrificial act upon the cross. Absolutely! He saved humanity from a lot of hardship as a result. But it was a one time act that removed a large portion of the karmic burden that humanity as a species had amassed up until that time. 

It is important to understand that it would serve no individual’s purpose if the karma of negative acts were to be removed continually simply by a belief in a higher entity. Sananda, the soul name of the incarnated Jesus of Nazareth, is and was a true savior of humanity, washing away in the past a great karmic burden with his sacrificial act.

But Karma is there to teach where an individual’s behavior is imbalanced, mentally resisting the loving force of the Universe. Having an advanced being remove each soul’s karmic burden build up continually, a person’s “sins”, would keep the individual from learning how their behavior is hurting themselves or others. However, following the loving teachings of this ascended master on a daily basis would though reduce the chance of creating a karmic burden in the first place.

And to emphasize, there is no act that separates a soul from the One Body of the Universe. All is He. It is only a judgmental belief that a sin is so heinous that it would cause banishment from the unconditionally loving Universe. So the belief that sins are in the way of reconnecting to the One Mind, is just an error in judgment. It is only the dark dogma of fear that beguiles humanity to believe the Universe functions or governs in this judgmental way.

A karmic teaching is often a hard-knock lesson that one needs to experience in order to learn to not repeat the previous hurtful behavior to the Self. One gains compassion when one experiences a similar pain as the hurt one may have inflicted upon another. There is no judgment involved with the Laws of Karma, only teaching how to love the Self.

It has been shared from Spirit that without the taking of the burden upon himself by this brave martyred act on the cross, the species of Man would have had to go through a much darker  2000 year period to follow. By removing a portion of the karmic burden temporarily onto his shoulders, mankind had a better chance of surviving the painful lessons that otherwise would have had to occur. It was primarily Man’s abuse of the animal Kingdom that made up the karmic burden that Jesus transmuted and lessened for Man. Humans were originally created to take care of the Earth and the seemingly endless varieties of animals who would share the planet with him.

Mankind to this day through sporting activities like hunting, and his general carnivorous nature is still burdening himself karmically, daily. When one causes pain to any other living thing, there is negative karma that is attached to the person. Presently though, rather than the entire race being burdened, for many advanced souls have become vegetarian, each human works off the negative karma for eating animals through disease, early aging and early death. 

For when one eats death, it only brings death closer. If one eats living things from the Plant Kingdom, one’s life force increases. The plant’s vibrant life force contained within the food is taken into the body. But when one eats denser, dead forms like meat, physical density is the result. This causes such maladies as hardening of the arteries and wrinkling of the skin, to name but a few. Want the miraculous cure for aging skin? Go vegetarian!

So when a person goes to church Sunday morning and then into the woods later that afternoon to murder animals in a “sporting” event, one is seriously missing the point of being a christian, which is to love, nurture and respect all things that are alive, including even one’s enemies. 

And to silence skeptics about the health of going vegetarian here are some important things to consider…

One may think that meat protein is necessary to maintain health of the body. If this substance is kept from entering the body, the liver is quite capable of recycling all proteins except for those lost through hair and skin. And that protein lost is easily replaced by protein contained within grains, nuts and beans and especially some vegetables like broccoli and kale. There is actually more protein in a stock of broccoli than in a hamburger. Ask yourself, “How much meat does a steer eat?” The answer of course is none. Yet this immense animal is able to form and build all that powerful muscle by eating only grasses. 

Those who eat meat regularly will find their liver stops recycling protein in this manner since more than enough protein is entering the system. Remove the meat from one’s diet and the liver kicks into gear again, functioning as it naturally should be. It is the meat industry in cahoots with the medical profession that has perpetrated the greatest misinformation and fallacy about consuming meat products, even when it has been shown time and time again that vegetarians or vegans live longer, look younger, and live healthier lives. 

So many diseases can be cured too by choosing a vegetarian diet that the medical profession is using harmful chemicals to alleviate the symptoms for. Besides being a gentler, kinder way to treat animals, is that not reason enough to stop eating meat, to become generally healthier, thus reducing the number of doctor’s visits? 

Furthermore, aggressive emotions that one may have difficulty later releasing are consumed within the flesh of the animal. For the murder and slaughter is as disturbing to warm-blooded creatures like the Porcine and Bovine species as it is to humans. These very conscious animals, upon death, cannot cleanse those emotions from their carcasses. Therefore once eaten, especially bloody red meat, those emotions are taken into the emotional body of the person eating them. It has been shared from Higher Realms that much warring and violence is perpetrated across the planet because of the continual consumption of meat which contains fear and aggressiveness of the lower and lesser evolved animals that have been slaughtered and consumed.

And here is something to think about. If you cannot murder livestock yourself for daily food, you have no business asking others to butcher them for you. Most people would not be able to kill an animal for dinner which reveals the true loving nature of the human heart. Industry has just removed the horrendous act of slaughter from daily activity so people remain in denial of the cruelty inflicted upon innocent animals.

Most people know of the Ten Commandments which includes “Thou shalt not kill!”. This applied not just to human murder, but to animals as well. Mankind’s spiritually based function is to be the steward of the Earth and the amazing creatures that beautify his environment. The human species has fallen quite short of protecting the planet and all who reside there. 

But don’t just feel guilty about that! Be proactive! Do something! Become a vegetarian…lend aid or donate money to an animal shelter…vote for politicians who care about the environment, etc.. As stated before, feeling guilty about mankind’s mistakes of management accomplishes nothing except weakening you. 

Removing guilt from one’s thoughts is utterly freeing too. Without guilt, a person will then open up to endless possibilities on how to improve their life and the nature of reality here on planet Earth.

End Transmission

If you wish more in depth information regarding how a vegetarian diet actually builds better bones and muscles than eating meat, and how to slowly wean yourself off meat consumption, listen and watch my video, “We Are What We Eat.”