The Soul-brain-human Connection


The concept of a human soul is mentioned throughout literature and present in most religious belief systems. However, the embodiment of a soul is left as some vague Self floating up in the clouds.

It is not. The soul is a light-being of great consciousness existing in a finer dimensional state than the man or woman it manifests. It exists before any human form comes into being. 

And it continues long after the mortal coil is released, retrieving the human’s life experience as a sort of an upload once it has completed its journey into density.  

The soul wishes during its incarnation to accomplish primarily three fundamental tasks:

First, to challenge itself regarding any fear still maintained on the soul level. 

Secondly, to burn off any negative, karmic burden that has been amassed during various incarnations. 

And thirdly, to express out deeply any denial held within the Emotional Body.  In other words to purge and release consciousness that is of a lower vibrational rate. Anger is the lowest emotional, light vibration. If it is held in denial, the individual will experience a reduction in regenerative energy which will inhibit the natural rejuvenative powers available to it. 

It is therefore essential for the soul to clear and remove these stored emotions from its being in order to vibrate up in frequency and hence enjoy the Higher Realms, of which there are many. An ascended master once said, “There are many mansions in my Father’s house”. In the distant past, one word needed to be chosen because of the level of awareness that people had at that time. Now substitute the word “dimensions” for the word “mansions” and an even greater truth is revealed.

The Physical Plane, which is the densest dimension in existence, allows for feeling emotions more deeply than can be accomplished in the lighter 7th dimension, the Spirit Plane, also called Nirvana, Heaven or Paradise. One needs the slowness of physical formation of the Third Dimension, for instance, to test Patience, Hope and Trust, important virtues that most souls wish to develop more within their consciousness. 

The natural process of the soul’s consciousness entering into human form is largely misunderstood by Man at the present time. Generally speaking, humans view the Physical Plane as all there is until death, instead of understanding that all dimensions connect and interact with each other in the Eternal Now. For All is One. The Higher Realms intrinsically have a lot to do with forming existence in the Physical Plane even though that active, creative energy is hidden from view. 

Let’s looks further into the beginning of a human life, the natural process of birthing. It will answer many questions that trouble mankind at the present time.

Both male and female come together in the sexual act to mirror the dual nature of a human. The male, Yang force projects its seed within the receptive female, upon which she then gestates for a period of time, being and feeling, the qualities of the Yin aspect. For nine months the fetus forms into a receptive vessel for the incoming soul connected at that point only by the mother’s nervous system. 

Once a birthing mother cuts the connection to the fetus, the incarnating soul immediately takes over and attaches through the fontanel, the opening in the cranium of the prepared vehicle, a sort of umbilical chord of light which enters through the brain and eventually attaches to the base of the spine.

One may ask, “Really? But that connection cannot ever be seen.” Consider then the WiFi connection that the computer has with many other devices. The communication is as ethereal as the soul’s connection to its incarnated self. Once this thread of light is “sewn” into the human form, the soul has then entered the Physical Plane and begins the growth process to fully actualized, human being. 

The ancient soul brings with it all the talents, foibles and personality that it has developed over eons of time. That is precisely why a child progeny is capable of so much, because the abilities have already been learned on the soul level. It is just the task at hand to break through any fear of accomplishment that the child may immediately be programmed with by the parents or society that it is suddenly experiencing.

Once encapsulated completely after about four months when the fontanel finally closes, the human baby, enlightened with soul consciousness begins its lessons of life as prepared by other entities looking down from the Higher Realms. Much is planned before the life experience, and as choices are made by the human, adjustments to the life lessons presented, continue to evolve in alignment with the human’s response to physical reality.

The soul exists in a dimension without separation. It is only in the Physical Plane that one can be in ego and believe it is separate from All That Is. That would be the primary illusion of the 3rd dimension. For nothing is completely separate, only in ego mind’s eye can that be thought to be true.

The Spirit Plane and all the higher realms function as one. It is like the Internet that connects most people now on the Earth. Each human brain is the connective tissue that analyses the data coming from above, similar to how the personal computer is connected to the Internet. It can upload or download information at will. But that ability is often forgotten by the “prove it to me” belief system that still is so prevalent on the Earth. 

One unmistakable truth being revealed here is that the brain is not the source, but more an analytical organ that connects the soul to the Lower Self. Upon the moment of change called death, whatever life experiences that are stored in the brain are retrieved. That upload is what has been called, “seeing one’s life pass before one’s eyes” mentioned by those people who have had an after death experience.

Once the light consciousness of the Lower Self is uploaded, the human being is preserved eternally by the Higher Self or soul. The human who has crossed over has still a sense of separation, but knows fundamentally that the soul is maintaining it, and is very much connected to it as well as everything else in the Universe. For All is a part of the One Body. Therefore it can rightfully be concluded the Higher Self (soul) and Lower Self (human personality) once in the Spirit Plane together, can view each other as separate, yet connected beings. Others who have experienced this meeting of selves through an out of body experience, of ten share that the Higher Self, is often a rather large, loving, entity of great accomplishment.

An enlightened spiritual source once put it this way, that the human being who has lived and crossed over is worn like a single orb of a pearl necklace made up of past lifetimes, circling the neck of the soul. All pearls are equally loved. For no one other than the Higher Self better understands the trials and tribulations that the Lower Self has had to go through in order to advance the soul’s growth towards self actualization. He or she is grateful for all the pain that the human had to experience in order to grow it to grow spiritually.

As a side note, one’s Higher Self or soul can be of a different male or female polarity than the human being it manifests. For instance, an overly male soul can wish to add feminine traits to its consciousness by being born as a lesbian in order to completely surround itself with Yin polarity. The same is true for gay men, to learn more about being male. This is precisely why judging either lifestyle is not understanding the nature of reality always attempting to balance the two polarities within its consciousness.

Believing that the Higher self is always present is a lovely opportunity in itself to any person in the physical plane. For it means that the soul, an advanced being of great awareness and ability, is available to the Lower Self during the life experience.

One is never alone in one’s personal challenges. It is only ego that can think that this is so. If you believe in your soul connection, much help and guidance can be tapped into making the path of the “yellow brick road” less daunting. For it is through each brick of feelings that the soul guides and teaches; For actual words can not be easily passed inter-dimensionally.

That is also why the soul uses symbols in dream state as guidance. It follows then that “Life is but a [dense] dream.”

A symbolic representation in literature and the movies presents this soul-brain-human connection in an obvious way. The good witch, Glynda, Dorothy Gale’s Higher Self symbol in “The Wizard of Oz,” is always there to help her at her most difficult and challenging moments toward empowerment. And Scarecrow, who is searching for a brain, is the first challenge upon the yellow brick road.

The color yellow is chosen in this case, referring to the feeling center of the body, the Solar Plexus, the yellow chakra right next to the bottom of the ribcage. The biblical symbol of Adam’s rib used to form the first female is chosen because of the proximity to this center of feeling in the human body.

In the movie, notice how Glynda is represented as a ball of light consciousness. Once she floats down from Higher Realms, she physicalizes. Glynda is not in fear of Witch, but sees her more as the necessary challenge for Dorothy to learn to express her power color, the red hue, as symbolized by the Ruby Slippers.

For it is the base chakra, also known as the Red Survival chakra, that is used by any human to stand up against domination, or confront those who would want to take one’s power away, or the things we love, Toto, her dog, in this case.

This power symbol has appeared before in biblical text as Eve swallowing her red fruit after picking it from the Judgment Tree. It should more precisely be stated, that Eve, Adam’s internal feminine aspect, judged his own rage and anger. That made him feel separate and alone. For it is through the feeling center that the Universal Mind communicates.

By judging his own self expression, Adam, representing mankind, separated mentally from Paradise and felt shame as a result, the fig leaf symbol. As a result of this mental belief that anger is “bad,” Adam’s internal feminine aspect swallows the emotions rather than expresses them out. Mental judgment therefore gets in the way of self expression and personal empowerment.

The age old incorrect view that a woman ate the “forbidden fruit” does a huge disservice to the female community and deserves correction here. And since this process into and out of judgment is part of human evolution, the “forbidden” element only reflects man’s view, not the Universal Mind. For He does not judge anything in the Universe, especially human failings or their evolutionary need to separate mentally for a time; For All is He.

Humans are male and female in one. They reflect the fundamental dual nature of existence…light/dark, positive/negative, thinking/feeling as symbolized by the Yin/Yang symbol. It is the thinking/doing aspect of male that often judges the being/feeling aspect of the feminine. In other words, Yang (hanging out) polarity has always tried to control the Yin (going in). And in that same judgment against the feminine aspect, the Yang force attempts to control, and has has blamed the female for causing all the ills in society. It is more the denial and mental male judgment that is in error, causing human consciousness to be out of alignment with the One Mind through the act of cutting off the feelings which includes the emotions.

Keep in mind that a female human is both male and female in one. So any woman too, can lead with her masculine thinking/doing self and cause denial of her own internal feminine. Hence, to blame the one sex, the female, misses the point of human duality present in both sexes. 

So the primary lesson to be learned here is to know that you are never alone in human form. Your soul, a great entity of vast consciousness and ability is ever present. He or she is just like Glynda, guiding, but not giving the answers to life’s challenges and lessons of self empowerment. When Dorothy has discovered how to travel back home to Kansas, contented finally that all is available to her there in her own backyard, she asks the living symbol of her Higher Self, “But why didn’t you tell me before?”…Glynda amusedly says, “Because you wouldn’t have believed me! You had to learn it for yourself.”

End transmission.