Critics, reviewers, and self-appointed egoists have for eons attempted to define art without much success. Through their subjective lens of judgment, these seemingly endless mental meanderings to determine if an artist’s creation is art, or not, is but mere folly. For simply put, anything that is brought into form with love is art.
A child who loves scribbling with crayons, and is so proud of the big, yellow sun that they have drawn in the blue sky, or someone who loves tending their garden, or, a graphics artist who cares that each pixel is just as their heart had intended, is creating art. For art is Heart consciousness infused into the creation. Whether a piece of work is art or not has nothing to do with the level of expertise or talent involved.
Notice how similar those two words sound when spoken, “art” and “heart”. Each simply can’t exist without the other.

I coined a phrase, “Mind can be general, but Heart cares ALWAYS to be specific”. For with Love behind an artistic endeavor, there is added dynamic power to create something unique. Mind is quick and cool and very aware of time spent. In contrast, Heart’s timeless state of Zen, warms up the engine, adds the extra hours needed, and brings a lovely reaction from those who look upon the final result. The intrinsic nature of the Love energy emanating from Heart acts as an attractive force too, literally drawing attention from onlookers, leaning towards the object often to get an even closer view.
That part of the mind, referred to clinically as Ego, was originally formed by the Self judging its internal reality as “bad”. It retreated from the soul, being in fear and doubt of expressing unpleasant feelings and emotions, like sorrow and rage, as well as the more vulnerable feelings of Love emanating from Heart.
The response of that fear, afraid of valuing the feminine polarity of Yin, was to separate mentally into an individuated Yang, male consciousness called Ego, a sort of side entity to the soul. It has been the task ever since for each soul to incorporate and heal that part of the darker self, the judgmental “enemy within,” in order to bring the Yin and Yang of being human into oneness again.
When a person judges negatively any part of reality, they remain mentally separate in Ego; For All is Love. It is just that Ego believes otherwise, wanting everything to be “Safe”, the “Same” as it is, and “Simple” to deal with, as it thinks reality should be. These are the three S’s of any fear-threat reaction.
If there is something that is making you afraid in life, see if you are wishing reality to be either Safe, Same or Simple. If the answer is yes, then your ego’s delusion convinced you that you are not safe, even though you are. Secondly, desiring everything to be the same, is just madness. Even snowflakes are uniquely different! And lastly, wanting the complex nature of reality to be simple, is simply a foolish notion. It can’t be, nor would we want it to be.
Therefore when men and women use judgment to decide if a work of art deserves the artistic claim, they are in a world of their own making. It is a world of mental, subjective musings that pointlessly criticize Heart expression. To criticize Love in any form is heartlessness and its own torture chamber. One needs to stop judging level of expertise which would involve mental analysis when approaching any artistic creation. Let the work affect you and remove thoughts of quality.

For if an artist brought to Earth a new art form, it is simply here to be loved and enjoyed, not analyzed, judged, nor criticized. Humans do way too much of that already with everything in their own life. Let’s leave judgmental mind out of it for once, and simply love the heartfelt efforts that the “heartist” has made for the world to see something new and unique.

One of the things I have noticed throughout my teaching career were students who had trouble even calling themselves an artist, which was just silly. i would begin classes often with positive affirmations for the class to say all together out loud, such phrases as, “I am an artist”, or, “I create beautiful sugar flowers”!
Occasionally a stubborn ego in the room would be unwilling to speak those words. For so long the student was caught in judgment and criticism of their own talent. Yet, this artist was paying good money to take classes to create cakes or sugar flowers, desiring to learn both art forms that they love. So you see how fear of achievement, or a negative view of one’s developing talent can put the breaks on believing one is an artist. That internal fear and demand of self reeks havoc with one’s attempt at artistic improvement too. The more we believe in ourselves, the more Heart opens up to create.
So when a child runs up to you and excitedly shows you their drawing, shout to the heavens, “What an amazing artist you are!” For with that kind and positive, non-judgmental, early programming, the child’s Heart will expand faster and trust those energies more than Mind’s many thoughts can do when correcting or criticizing a child’s heartistic effort.

Judgment shuts down the spinning chakra of the wheel of green energy that is the Heart Center, the body’s own “Emerald City”, so to speak. The last thing a parent should want to do is to dim out that important spectral color of the hue-man rainbow, the healing emerald light at the center of their being. Pointing out critically how they can improve only causes interruption of Heart creation. Heart will find the answers on its own if kept away from the unnecessary judgments of others.
Finally, to sum up in just a few words, “If you start with “Heart”, “He” will end in “art”. It is just that simple!
End transmission.
Metaphysical Addendum: Most humans at this point in their development do not understand that Heart is a separate consciousness from Mind. In esoteric circles, it has been referred to as the “Father of Manifestation”. It is Heart that has planned together with the One Mind, the unfoldment of every aspect of Creation, including, the individual life path meant for each soul’s incarnation.

Therefore, if a person listens to their heart amidst the twists and turns of life, they will find where their true path of joy lies. It is the “Road Less Traveled”, a yellow path of internal feelings that needs to be felt brick by brick. The Solar Plexus, also know as the feeling center, is the yellow chakra of the hue-man body. So once the feelings are felt deeply, they then ask Heart to bring art into form. It is a difficult pathway at times, for sure, because Heart loves a risk or challenge, knowing the difficult task at hand will achieve the most soul growth.
However, it is a guarantee that following Heart prompts always brings with it in time the greatest reward. For the Love Consciousness that is the “Father of Manifestation” deeply cares for all his evolving spirits and wants only success for them.
Mind’s ego can be very good at judging reality and questioning everything that exists. Heart loves it all, because it knows and understands deeply, that All is Love, expressing itself through infinite, separate forms that are in varying degrees of development. This fundamental nature of reality is what makes life fascinating, and so lovely, to witness how it all works together, that is, if Ego allows Heart to express itself fully!

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