The Never-ending Upward Spiral of the Universe

When life appears in some way to be going down a negative path, or at certain times the experience of reality seems to be getting too difficult to handle, it is helpful to remind oneself of the number “9”. 

“Why is that?” one may ask. “How will a thought of the “9” number symbol help me stay positive despite the challenges facing me now?” The familiar saying by Confucius, that “a Picture is worth more than a thousand words” applies here. The simple answer to the question of the intrinsic message provided by the “9” is that the number reminds us quickly in picture form without any words, how all experience is ultimately leading us to a better state of being, regardless of how unpleasant life’s challenges can be at any one moment. 

Let’s look a little more deeply at this important spiral-shaped symbol of the number system.

As the Greek channeler and philosopher, Pythagoras, the Father of Mathematics and Numerology once said, “All the meaning of life is veiled in numbers.” This evolved soul was stating a fundamental truth that the continuing evolution of “All That Is”, which includes each and every individual soul, can be drawn as a spiraling motion that is reflected in the ultimate primary glyph, the number “9”. This two dimensional symbol mirrors as well the multi-dimensional nature of the Universal drive, to continually spiral upwards in awareness and growth.

The underlying truth about the nature of physical reality is that the Universe expresses itself commonly on the physical plain in symbol form as the number “9”. That common image is reflected throughout Creation as the spiral of the galaxy, the twisted helix of a DNA strand, the slender tendril of a growing plant, or even in very destructive and transformative terms, a whirling tornado spiraling down to touch the earth. It is the masculine “1” with the feminine “0” attached, symbolizing a balanced individual expressing both Yin and Yang polarities.

On this planet of healing, the physical experience of time is also organized for man within the matrix of the number system, which ultimately leads to, and ends with the “9” as a pinnacle. All the rest of the numbers are contained within this numeral, reflecting the oneness of its nature. Within its meaning too, the nine symbol encompasses a complete overview of an entire situation. And few people realize that the universal year date continues on in 9 year cycles. And within the universal year, there are personal 9 year cycles that carry each man and woman forward in life. You can work out your current personal year number here.

Tarot card design by Rider Waite.

In the ancient Tarot deck, the 9th card of the Major Arcana suit is “The Hermit” figure, the one who climbs to the mountaintop as a sort of monasterial retreat in order to tap into universal consciousness. He or she then share that light with others as a channeling lamplighter of fire and truth from Spirit. See how the card’s picture symbols reveal this meaning without one spoken word!

Most people’s opinion of a hermit is somewhat negative, misjudging the name as a disheveled strange man living alone in a hovel. The ancient hermit symbol reflects more of a wise, Gandalf-like figure from the Tolkein myth, “The Lord of the Rings,” or, Yoda, the master Jedi, from the movie series, “Star Wars.” 

As you can see from the Tarot card drawing, the rod or staff, as those characters were often known to carry, represents the fire of Spirit brought down to earth, a power given to only kind and wise souls of peace and love. The suit of the Tarot called the “Fire Rods” is a symbol of spiritual connection, fire referring to the energy of light from the Spirit Plane, and the rod being that energy sprouting into the Physical Plane. The equivalent in the contemporary playing card deck is the Club suit. 

The ancient myth of Moses speaking to the “burning bush” was really referring to his connection with Spirit. The three astrological Fire signs include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius which are those individuals, who, generally speaking, tap into higher planes and whose souls  have an intrinsic overview and plan for man, knowing therefore what should manifest. So they are the leader types of the Zodiac. Moses being a Fire sign, innately maintaining a “burning bush” inside of himself could tap into what was to occur from a higher spiritual overview. Therefore he could lead his people in the right way. It did not mean that an actual bush appeared that spoke to him. 

These ancient symbols, like so many other symbols contained within the Bible, have been taken literally which has caused therefore a great deal of confusion about their true meaning. For instance, the symbol of the fish, used by Jesus of Nazareth to alert his followers of his planned meetings, was the ancient symbol of Pisces, the 12th and last sign and lesson of the Zodiac wheel. It has been confused with the idea of him being a fisherman of men. He was that, but also a rabbi who would have studied these ancient astrological symbols. Pisces is the watery lesson of the martyred individual who gives up himself for others and the One. In other words, the soul who has learned to drop ego’s fear grip on reality and reconnect with the Source. The last two thousand years was the Age of Pisces of which he was the way-shower.

As an aside to this discussion, those born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of a month, have an all encompassing approach in life. Two digit numbers can be broken down to a single digit value of “9,” suggesting these people often have a thorough and complete understanding of a subject matter, in other words, born to be an expert in some form. During their life path, they will be given the opportunity to learn and encompass the knowledge of their passion to such a 9th degree, that it inevitably leads them to share that expertise with the world, holding up the lamp for others to see reality more clearly.

Here is a little known historical fact. Pythagoras channeled and brought down to Earth for the 4th time in human history, the system of Mathematics and the symbolic science of Numerology. This detailed information had been lost to humankind three times previously. Man’s history is not a straight line as so many believe, but more of a spiraling, rise and fall-back action. There have been long epochs in the past that were actually more scientifically advanced than today. The 250,000 year period of enlightenment of Atlantis from 100,000-350,000 years ago had technologies that were far beyond today’s science. Mankind has spiraled up to great heights more than once, and then at times, slid back from technological advancement to a somewhat barbaric reality. 

It may be important here to further explain what is meant by the act of channeling. “Channeling” simply means opening up to information being brought down from Higher Realms. All humans are multi-dimensional creatures, incarnated into the physical world, yet still connected to the Spirit Plane by each individual soul’s light umbilical chord attached to the base of the spine. 

If a human believes his or her advanced soul is connected to their consciousness at all times, there is much then available to help them along their path. It is like the literary symbol of Glynda, the Good Witch of the North (Spirit Plane), of “The Wizard of Oz”, a being of light, guiding and giving help to her lower self, Dorothy, as she follows along her challenging “Yellow Brick Road”. Notice that the start of her path was visualized in the movie as the universal spiral of the “9”. The color yellow is associated with the feeling center of the body, the Third Yellow Chakra near the Solar Plexus. So Dorothy’s higher self was encouraging her to listen to her feelings, brick by brick, as she continued on her rightful path to her Heart center, the Emerald City of Oz. The heart chakra is associated with the green color of a hue-man.

The Ruby Slippers represent symbolically the power color at the base of a hue-man being, the Red Survival Chakra, the densest color of a person’s spectrum. When Eve, in the Eden myth, eats the red fruit picked from the “Judgment Tree”, it is suggesting that Adam’s mind judges the red hue of his feminine aspect, eating it instead of expressing his true nature and power.

Red, in this case, means the emotions of anger or rage. One needs to learn to express that hot color when a dominator is present like the evil Witch. Water is a symbol too of emotions or feelings. When Dorothy tosses water on the Witch, it is saying that she learned to express her feelings deeply, including the ruby color, which up to that point was in denial. The mentally oriented Witch shrinks in response to the red hue being poured upon her, unable to survive Dorothy expressing her power color.


To give some examples of channelers, Ludwig Von Beethoven channeled his music, as well as Amadeus Mozart. Their musical works were first created in a higher plane by advanced spirits and then sent down through these open vessels. Each note was not mentally planned by these incarnated humans, but more received and inspired from above, making their work of composing a lot faster and easier. In the case of Mozart, his complex music was being received at a very young age, as early as 6 years old, giving evidence that he was not consciously choosing the notes but being presented with the information from Higher Realms. 

Receiving information from one’s own soul is a form of channeling and most humans do that to some greater or lesser degree every day. It is just that artists can get that flow going in a most productive way, literally getting their ego’s left brain grip on reality out of the way, using more their right minds in a zen state, so that they can be inspired and receive the higher frequency information. 

Shakespeare certainly received much help from above because his complicated literary works were to help expand the Mind of Man. It has been shared by Spirit that in the case of Beethoven, his hearing loss later in life came as a result of his ego thinking that he was the source of all the composing. The hearing loss was a karmic lesson for him to let go of ego’s centrism. It was not punishment. Karmic lessons are never there just to cause pain or to judge any act as “sinful”. The functioning nature of Karma is a way Spirit had of guiding him away from his vanity, directing him more towards the correct thinking about his musical abilities and the appreciation he needed to express to Spirit, the Source, for all that he had been given.

Speaking in political, spiraling terms, the Right is the left brain oriented, negative, male polarity party which takes from the whole to use for individual growth. The Left is right brain orientation, a feminine, positive polarity which focuses on the many, rather than the individual. Both polarities need to exist but not without the pendulum swing of balance, back and forth over time, spiraling man upward towards self empowerment.  This is the dual nature of man as shown by the Yin/Yang symbol of balance.

So when one political polarity thinks it should take over control of everything permanently, enjoying the power trip too much, it is a guarantee that eventually the other polarity will spiral and take over to balance things again. The greater the Right (ego) wants to be in power, the stronger the response will be for that unlimited power to be eventually taken away by the Left (Spirit) for a period of time. It is this balancing of Man’s duality that is the primary purpose of incarnation into the Physical Realm where light and dark, positive and negative, male and female polarities are explored. 

Just to reiterate from other essays, Yang is male, negative polarity, thinking and doing, symbolized by the minus sign leaving the circle (the One of Creation). Yin is feminine, positive polarity of feeling and being, symbolized by the plus sign attached to the circle. All humans are made up of varying degrees of both polarities, attempting to balance these aspects on the soul level. 

It may look at times on the political scene that reality is going to hell in a hand basket when the spiraling action is sloping in a downward, negative motion. But by going deep and in a seemingly backward direction, one can spring upwards to a higher state of being, a plateau previously unexperienced. After all, the universal spiral is a symbol and has a functionality of an actual spring. 

The current president in the USA, Donald Trump, represents the epitome of male polarity, ego-centric behavior, thinking all is for his own self gratification. By having him present this rather unbalanced approach to governing, it will propel the USA to springboard to a higher plane of governance once a member of the Left eventually takes over to balance things. Trump will then have been a necessary negative approach to reforming reality, and will be part of the process to create a more productive supportive way for all citizens. His behavior is helping to work through those ego issues of misogyny, isolationism, and judgment throughout the race. He is a perfect example how a negative action brings the positive. Hence, nothing in reality is just “bad,” and only negative. For all is forming with the universal spiraling “9” which must eventually bring reality to a higher plane of existence as it spirals upwards again.

The spiral of the “9” therefore needs first, the negative, backward movement of the Yang, male polarity, so that when the spring curves upward with the positive direction of the feminine polarity, nurturing reality, those two forces can bring man to a higher state of being. 

This springing action brings humankind closer to the Spirit Plane too, a 7th dimension functioning at a higher frequency rate than the dense Physical Plane of today. If follows too, that the more negative the Yang behaves, the higher the spring upward can occur with the Yin taking man to a new unexplored plateau of love. Love vibrates faster than fear.

This rising of vibrational frequency is occurring faster and faster now. The Earth and all who reside once existed in the 3rd dimension after the “Fall”. By the end of the 20st Century, all had risen to the frequency of the 4th dimension. And following into the 2000’s, life on Earth is now entering the 5th dimensional plane. 

One way of believing that this is occurring is to consider the experiential length of an hour. Decades ago, an hour felt rather long. Now with the vibrational increase of frequency, each hour takes about 40 minutes to occur as compared to long ago, a 1/3 reduction of experience. 

Science is unable to measure this shift because all of man’s tools are vibrating faster in alignment with the change. But one can feel the difference. If one is of a certain age having previously experienced the 3rd dimensional reality decades ago, that person can easily tell that time is speeding up. In the not too distant future, the Earth will vibrate up to the 7th dimensional state which will bring it finally back to its original vibrational frequency. Spirit Plane and the Earth Plane will be joined together as one, a time called in the past, “Paradise,” and will in the future be called, “A New Heaven on Earth”. Once, very long ago, the Earth was in the 7th dimension, but fear entering consciousness eventually densified reality, causing it to fall in vibrational frequency where it sat for eons while man learned to shed his fear.

In this very distant past, once density and fear took over, the human form began to decay and age which forced eventually the dropping of the physical body, in other words, bringing the “change of form” called “death”. Thus began the “Reincarnational Process”, a dropping of the physical body, returning to higher frequency of Spirit to regenerate, and then again reforming a physical body to work through the state of fear still controlling the consciousness. Previously to this time, mankind did not die, and only continually rejuvenated being in complete alignment with the Source which is how the 7th dimension Spirit Plane functions. 

However, once the mental separation occurred because of judgment and fear, man could no longer keep from losing energy and therefore aged and eventually crossed over into Spirit with only his aetheric body of light. This repeated shedding of the physical vehicle still occurs to this day for most people at death, returning to their more true form upon crossing over into Spirit. 

On this planet, the physical experience of time is also organized for man within the matrix of the number system, which ultimately leads to and ends with the “9” as a pinnacle. All the rest of the numbers are contained within this numeral, reflecting the oneness of its quality. Within the meaning too, this symbol encompasses a complete overview of the entire situation. 

As an aside, those born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of a month, (all three numbers broken down to a single digit value of “9,” often have a thorough and complete understanding of a subject, born to be an expert, so to speak. During their life path, they will be given the opportunity to encompass the knowledge and experience of their passion to such a degree, leading them inevitably to share that expertise with the world, holding up the lamp for others to see reality better.

Understanding the symbolism of the number “9″ is therefore paramount to perceiving in deeper terms, the root quality of what is being explored in life at any one moment. If the spiral is moving upward, it is expected eventually to seemingly retreat backwards and downward before spiraling up again to an even higher state. So resist not reality no matter how negative it may appear. The positive is just around the corner. So like a child on a pogo stick, each person can get to his intended situation in a less resistant, more peaceful state, using this universal 9 awareness. 

So here’s to your own springy pogo stick of life, the knowledge and awareness now, that All exists under the lovingly positive, upward spiral and tutelage of the number “9”… Boing, boing, boing!


End transmission.