Besides working for decades with the crystal of sugar, I have always maintained a fascination with rock crystals as well. Many people are opening up to a new way of viewing reality and the various forms which exist in Creation. However, an understanding of the living members of the Rock Kingdom somehow often escapes Man’s ken. Maybe because of the slow pace that rock crystals grow, humans have a difficult time grasping the idea that something which appears so stationary and physically different than a biological creature, could actually be alive.
But the fundamental truth is that everything is alive in Creation. The age old, rather foolish question, “Is there other life out there in the Universe?” is just that, a ridiculous query. For the Universe is one immense, living being, a consciousness of light that expresses itself through individuated sparks of energy in the physical and non-physical plains of existence. These myriad of individuals have endless forms, rock crystals being just one of them.
Let’s look first at the crystalline structure. When rock crystals grow, their molecular structure is so ordered, they form the perfected, fundamental, geometric pattern of balance, the triangle, or rather, a pyramidal shape, since they grow within the third dimensional matrix.
The sharp points of a clear quartz crystal form this shape in miraculous precision almost appearing like they have been honed on a lathe and sharpened by intelligent design. The speed however with which crystals grow is imperceptible by human experience and therefore give belief that the rock substance is done being formed.
That misperception is not the case.
Amethyst plate that sits on the hearth of my fireplace.
I often get the question, “How can crystals heal? They are just rocks!”
What the limited consciousness is not taking into account is how this triangular structure transfers light and energy more easily than any other form in the physical plane. It is undeniable that the ruby amplifies light and gave us our first laser. The invention’s name is an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. Think simply about all the healing properties of laser surgery and you will know that crystals can heal. By the end of the 20th century, the crystalline device has had a transformational affect on so much, especially the healing arts, for instance, its use in lasik eye surgery. The light technologies, which includes the use of crystals, have been brought down to man once again during the current time period with so much more to be shared when humans are ready to listen and receive. The universal knowledge of our true form, a being of light, inspired from above, will inevitably and positively, remake the human experience on Earth.
Many of these natural energy crystalline conduits have been placed here artificially within the planet’s crust by civilizations not of this Earth. It is their intention to help the great being, Gaia, also known as Mother Earth, survive the current destructive behavior perpetrated upon her by unconscious Man. The phrase, “They know not what they do,” certainly applies here. The primary function of these implanted masses of crystals are to bring her, from other dimensions, healing energy in order to help restore the balance which has been tipped by man’s ignorant and unconscious brutal actions, natural gas fracking and nuclear bombs, to name two of the worst.
Within some of these rock beings too are stored information. They are called “record keepers.” These data storages are contained within the crystal to be accessed in the future. The myth of Superman learning about Krypton and his true parents through his use of crystals as imaged in the first movie, is not just a fanciful tale and science fiction, but is more an inspired tale of what is possible and will occur with the application of crystal technology.
What most humans fail to understand is that the Earth is a very special gem of the Universe, a watery existence unlike any other in this Milky Way galaxy. Water is the feminine aspect of feelings. Therefore, the experience here for all creatures is an exploration of the Yin polarity, the Mother aspect of Creation.
To mother something is to nurture it, in other words, to learn to express love. Instead, Man is still in his childhood phase of thinking the Earth is to play with and destroy, even for just the sake of his pleasure. Gaia is a living being he lives upon who feels every painful act perpetrated by his cruel acts.
Graphic image designed by Bill E. Dietrich for upcoming DVD#8, “Spring Flowers In Sugar.”
It has been shared from above, that when the USA attacked Iraq in what was called the “Mother of All Wars”, the “shock and awe” was so hurtful to the planet Gaia, that her understandable natural response was to shake it off with the destructive weather events and natural catastrophes that the United States experienced shortly thereafter.
The military believes that one can drop a bomb outside of the USA and it will not affect directly the citizens of the country they think they are protecting. Nothing could be further from the truth and delusional since all is connected. Each and every time we cause pain to the living planet, we must reap the karmic lesson in order to learn to cease and desist how we are causing pain to ourselves too. Destructive weather patterns and earthquakes are some of the ways this planet communicates with the peoples it lovingly harbors.
To return to the subject of crystals, one last thought about their healing nature needs to be shared.
The human body is densified light… the human soul is light consciousness without that physical form. So intrinsically, if we positively affect the light which forms the human body and soul, healing can occur.
Up and down the human form are light energy centers called “chakras,” (energy wheels in Sanskrit). The colors of each chakra center are specific. Starting from the bottom up, in rainbow colors, the human body expresses red at the base of the spine for survival, orange at the sexual and creative area, yellow radiating from the Solar Plexus or feeling center, green at the Heart chakra, blue at the throat or communication center, Indigo at the center of the forehead called the Ajna, or intuitive “Third Eye”, and finally the purple hue exiting the Crown chakra at the top of the head.
Take a moment, reader, to ponder your own possible judgments about any one color. Some people say. “I hate the color red!” With that kind of passionate, negative emotional view of their own being, one can be sure, that the “survival chakra” at the base of their being will slow down and as a result, weaken their own power. So the advice from above is love all colors that make up your soul and you. Fight the tendency of ego of the mind to judge any one color as unacceptable, and health and happiness will surely be the result. If you judge any color, you are judging yourself negatively and will inevitably cause dis-ease in that area of the body which uses that specific light energy. In simple terms, love the rainbow, hue-man-like colors that make up all of you!
Vugg ~ def. a rock formation with a crystalline structure inside different from its outside, also known as a crystal cathedral.
In the corner of my sunroom sits the largest of my collection, a 50 inch high (127cm) Amethyst vugg along with a citrine cathedral.
Since crystals amplify light and colors of specific qualities, placing them near these chakra centers, of the body as the extra-terrestrials do to immense Mother Earth, can bring the appropriate light energy to the human form, or planet, in order to rebalance and heal.
Crystals radiate a perfected form of alignment with the universal energy. So when our minds in fear tear at our being and confuse its functionality, crystals can be used to realign the body’s energy pathways again, so that they, once sped up and functioning properly, can then in turn, heal the physical dis-ease that is occurring. Many of the stones too, have a grounding affect on the human form, bringing the floating ego, mental polarity in fear, back down to Earth where it belongs.
So the next time you see a beautiful Chinese quartz crystal, like the one this writer recently bought at a Rock and Mineral Show in Albany, speak to it kindly. But most importantly, listen, and this advanced creature of perfection will share a peace and knowledge that passeth all understanding.
End Transmission.
My smaller specimens of amethyst, orange citrine, agate, geodes, mica, rose and clear quartz.