Throughout the ages, human ego has been caught in a fundamental delusion which is based upon the erroneous belief that one is capable of separating from one’s own consciousness. This fearful part of the mind of Man evolved into being by imagining that any individual spirit is alone and completely separate from “All That Is.”
That fallacy is at the crux of all the ills of Mankind. When Man doubted his own internal awareness, which is the continual, internal connection to the Source, part of his mind drew away from the center of his being to question and doubt the self, especially the emotions created, and most importantly, the unexpressed emotion of anger. Unfortunately, to this day, it is this fractional facet of human consciousness that often runs the affairs of most people’s lives, maintaining an illusory view of the nature of reality, including a specific, inaccurate view of the desperate act of committing suicide. Let’s explain further.
Too often when a sad, angry or emotionally tormented individual begins considering suicide, those negative thoughts frequently stem from their desire to stop the emotional pain that is surfacing for them. Rather than actually allow themselves to feel fully, the flooding tears, deep rage or witness their own self hatred, the thought comes to mind, “If I just end my life, I won’t have to experience this pain.”
Since a person’s ego is very capable of thinking almost anything, especially that which is not based upon truth or reality, the grasping at the “final straw” choice of suicide appears to be the only answer for those who mentally refuse to go through the personal pain that is held within caused by their mind’s resistance to reality that had occurred in the past or exists in the present.
But like so many considerations of the fearful ego, what is thought to be an instant out from life and an escape from the pain that is erupting, turns out to be in fact the exact opposite result that is desired. For when a human exits their body, the spirit is more alive than in the physical body which is created to numb and limit experience. Suicide only removes the outer physical cloak of matter to reveal the light being that always existed within.
Once the individual drops the physical vehicle, they exit this dense Third Dimension into a higher frequency plain, the Seventh Dimension, called many things to many peoples and religions. Whatever the name designated, this automatic return to one’s natural state of Spirit, is, as one source put it, “The easiest thing you will ever do in life. It is like taking off an old tight shoe.” One becomes more alive in senses and experience this lighter state of being than in the dense physical body.
Therefore, any end of the physical experience that we call death is an immediate entrance into a changed, higher state of being, with renewed energy and a greater sense of oneness.
What has been shared from Spirit is the complete surprise that suicide “victims” discover once they cross over into the Spirit Plane that there is no escaping themselves. Once in this higher dimension, a spirit immediately feels lighter and loved by all, which removes the depressive state of mental separation. But he or she still maintains within them the emotional denial that was previously set up to be released through the Earth incarnation environment. Stopping that process suddenly through the act of suicide merely is a delaying tactic, and forces upon the soul to repeat, and go through again in the future, a similar life path in order to finally evoke the denial held within the soul’s emotional body, so it can be finally released.
So in other words, once the nature of reality is understood on the Spirit Plain, the individual regrets their “giving up” choice and sees it only as slowing down their soul’s progress.
Most importantly, one needs to understand that there is no judgment from above for the act of suicide. Endless souls over eons of incarnations have not been able to meet the challenges of their lives for various reasons. And there are many ways to commit suicide than the obvious way. Daily, many humans of the world slowly kill themselves by stuffing their feelings with food which inevitably leads to physical illnesses that shorten the life experience. There is a saying, “If someone is fat, then they are furious.” For stored fat is anger and the fire of the body’s metabolism. When we are angry or frustrated in life, the refrigerator door opens almost magically on its own, or so the ego would like us to think.
One other main point to make regarding suicide can be illuminated by referencing William Shakespeare’s most famous quote, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and entrances…”
This enlightened author who channeled Spirit presents the truth about how each soul makes a contractual agreement to play a specific role for a period of time in the ultimate play of Creation. Both the birth moment and the time of death are agreed to in spirit ahead of time on the soul level. Influences along the life path including one’s own inability to face one’s challenges that are lovingly presented to evolve the self, may alter the end moment that was planned. If that is the case, Spirit makes sure that the individual soul’s timeline must catch up with the play that was to enact. Therefore, the human who has committed suicide needs to remain waiting in a type of paused state until their planned moment of death was to contractually occur and before they can move forward to attempt achievement of the life lesson once again. But Heaven is heavenly, so the waiting is in no way painful or a punishment. There are plenty of things to do, places to go and spirits to see, more than mortal man could even imagine in his wildest dreams.
Spirit is very firm though about not letting a soul progress in power until certain lessons are learned. The negative self must be taken charge of before the soul can receive more gifts of power. That achievement can only be accomplished by purging the dark denial held within the soul’s being, which if not released or governed well, could misuse the power that is given.
Furthermore, once a human is back only in their light body, they regret immediately giving up and can see profoundly how their is just no escaping their own consciousness.
There is no judgment from the Spirit Plain or the Source for human failings, even the act of suicide; Nor is there damnation of the soul as is commonly believed within the dark dogma of delusional religions. They often teach incorrectly that the Source will judge our actions in the end. That is where these institutions of fear are intrinsically in error of belief. The non-judgmental and unconditionally loving spirit in the universe is the Source.
Judgment of any kind, especially directed towards human failings and feelings, is a creation of the dark, Yang energies wishing to divert humanity from Man’s natural connection to the Source. Throughout time, the light energies of Yin, love and acceptance emanating from the Source have been endeavoring to balance that misdeed, and put the mind of humanity back into balance with Heart. It is through this interplay of duality over eons of time, the seemingly endless conflict between light and dark, that the Yin and Yang aspects of the human species will actualize equally. The fictional “Star Wars” myth speaks symbolically of this very real, ancient battle between light and dark forces that is still challenging each human even to this day.
The true meaning of “Judgment Day,” spoken of in biblical texts, is a time finally when Mankind will stop judging reality through the lens of the ego and feel no judgment from above. It is a time of liberation from Ego’s cruel lack of loving acceptance by the cold and calculating, heartless aspect of Mind, born many millennia ago. Reality just is, but this fractured aspect of the human psyche often judges parts of creation as bad, and therefore, in its opinion, just should not exist. The Source attempts always to evolve problems and flaws in all of Creation. Ego wishes to tear down that process, judging flaw or the negative emotions as “bad,” wishing them gone, stuffing them into denial to weigh down the spirit. Feelings and emotions are neither bad, nor good; they just are, and it is up to each one of us to face our own, when taking a hard look at the mirror of physical incarnation.
For souls are in essence indestructible, immortal supermen of light consciousness who fly through space and cannot be hurt except by their own fears. Thoughts of self doubt are the main reason we incarnate, to meet those fears and experience them fully in density. By allowing ourselves to feel who we truly are inside, deeply, the soul realizes that there is no separation and that mental resistance to life is only maybe a feeble attempt at procrastination. Suicide, an act perpetrated by the lower self, therefore is but a delaying tactic, a self-defeating choice, that requires then a repeat of another painful set up of circumstances to ultimately and inevitably purge the soul of its fear and stored emotions.
To sum up in a somewhat unique way, here is a quote from a “Star Trek” TV episode entitled, “This Side of Paradise.” When confronted by a past relationship for his unrequited love and mentally-driven Vulcan approach to life, the half human Mr. Spock speaks quietly, “I am what I am, Leila. And if there are self-made purgatories, then we all have to live in them. Mine can be no worse than someone else’s.”
End transmission.