Hi, Scott, Is it possible for a soul to end? …No heaven, no hell, no progression to enlightenment… Just end and cease to be?
Hello, Marcia….You have an interesting question for me. I will do my best to give you an answer from my exploration over the past three decades on the subject matter, gleaning information from many metaphysical books, channelers and other unique sources speaking about, or sharing truth regarding the nature of the soul. Your question and my response may help others understand the true nature of their being. Most religions mention the soul a great deal, but seldom go into any depth in understanding its nature. For if they did, people would have a greater sense of their own personal power.
To learn more about the Self, one needs to step out of conventional thinking and have an open mind. Here is the answer to your question as best I can relate the expansive information that has been shared with me….
The soul is a being of light. Light is indestructible, except in rare instances when affected by nuclear annihilation. That is why that destructive atomic force is discouraged through the universal agreement called, “The Ark of the Covenant”.
The physical body has a finite ending, but not the soul, including while it temporarily inhabits a human form for an intended duration of time. The soul, also called the Monad, receives a continuous flow of regenerative energy from the Source and its human form while incarnated is passed that light energy in order to exist.
One needs to understand the dual nature of Man. He is a physicalized being projected by conscious energy from the Seventh Dimension where the soul resides. A sort of light umbilical chord enters through the fontanel of the baby’s cranium which then connects inter-dimensionally the Higher Self (Soul) to the Lower Self (human personality). In other words, the human body is like a probe into density of the 3rd dimensional, Physical Plane. It is brought into reality by the soul seeking personal growth, along with the help of the human mother who forms the waiting vehicle called a fetus.
Souls are aligned with either masculine or feminine polarity. However, it is often the case that a very masculine soul incarnates into the body of a female in order to balance his Yang aspect with more Yin expression. And too, sexual preference in the physical is also attempting to fix an imbalance. If a female wishes to primarily relate in life to another female, she is wishing to learn more about feminine polarity on the soul level. So judging their preference does not take into account the bigger picture. And it is more the person who is judging another soul for their personal choices in life who needs self reflection. It is all exploration of the Self.
It has been shared by Spirit that the Gay Community, from a higher realm prospective, is called the “Free Community”. For it is an advanced trait to allow oneself to be as one feels one should be, despite the common, negative judgment and self-righteous criticism against this lifestyle. It is ironic that often those who profess to be devoutly religious, are the most caught in judgment. “Judge not!” needs to be applied. For with the judgment is a true lack of understanding of what is being achieved by the soul with this unconventional pairing of love.
Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” explored this dual nature of Man with his drawing of the circle, representing the soul, fitting neatly over the square, a symbol of the Physical Plane. He was attempting to prove how the human form fits perfectly within both, with the genital area placed at the center of the two geometric shapes. Previously, hundreds of years earlier, the famous Greek architect, Vitruvius, had placed the center higher on the human form at the naval, and therefore had slightly distorted the human shape. Da Vinci wishing to improve upon the theory, had the idea that the center of creation, the genital area, would keep the human form’s arms and legs from being elongated and distorted within the circle and square. He was successful. This drawing has been copied in many forms over the years, a continual reminder of humanity’s dual nature.
There are only rare instances, where a soul, after eons of negative behavioral choices, during many thousands of lifetimes, chooses only fear and darkness. That eventually dissipates the soul’s energy to the point where it is a downward spiral from then on, a continual loss of light energy.
It is decided then in the Higher Realms by those advanced entities who make these decisions for the human species, that once a soul has lost light consciousness to the point where it cannot grow any longer in awareness, the soul is reabsorbed by the Source. That is actually a blessing for the pained, spirit being. It then must begin the millions of years process again by reemerging into the Kingdom of the Air as a new spark of light energy.
Human souls began once as a spark of energy in the Kingdom of the Air, 11 million years ago. The human species’ first physicalization was a merging with the Himalayan mountains many millions of years ago. Besides being the highest land area on the Earth, it is also why that mountain chain has deep roots in our highest spiritual nature.
It was shared by Spirit that it is a great sadness to need to reabsorbed a disintegrating soul, due to the fact that much love and guidance was given to its growth along those millions of years. It is a decision not made lightly. But as stated before, this only happens rarely. Souls currently incarnated on the Earth are advancing souls where this is not their fate.
Hell is a most misunderstood concept. The Physical Plane, the Earth experience, is Hell. From above, Earth is called the “Hospital Planet”, where souls can tempt their darker, watery nature in order to learn to choose wisely light and love in order to heal their consciousness.
There is no dimension further from the Source than the Third Dimension, the Physical Plane. Mankind’s “School of Life” on Earth is therefore the perfect challenge in order to burnish and smooth out the rough edges of the soul’s consciousness. No one ever said life is meant to be easy, for that would defeat its purpose.
All humans who exit the physical body are welcomed into the Higher Realms without judgment. Metaphorically speaking a human exiting the body is the “Prodigal Son” returning after exploration of fear during a conscious separation from the Source.
“There are many mansions in my Father’s House” meant that there are many dimensional planes that exist within the structure of the Universe.
The more a spirit or soul is in fear, the lower the vibrational state of their consciousness will become, and therefore, the lower dimensional state that they can exist within comfortably. But any plane above the physical dimension is less painful. The prevalent thought of being tortured in hell after death is to create fear, the main goal of the Dark Brotherhood, to keep humanity in a constant state of fear. Fear dissipates light energy and is self destructive. It is self destructive because it is always a matter of choice to choose fear, or not, OR, to choose Trust, have Faith and believe in Hope.
Those who study the Bible know that it is stated within it that Lucifer would have dominion over the Earth for a time in order to test humanity. Why then religious scholars believe him to exist in another place called Hell below the Earth, is just not seeing this connection.
Earth experience is a lesson in duality, choosing love over fear, feelings over thoughts, being over doing. Fear is created by the male, Yang, mental polarity which overrides, generally speaking, the Yin, feminine polarity of heart’s expression of love and feelings. It is Adam in denial of his inner Eve. So all lessons in life are to balance those two aspects equally, instead of the soul allowing only its Mind, the Yang aspect, to express itself.
So to answer your question succinctly, only as a last resort, when there is no longer any chance for a soul to advance, does the loving action of reabsorption by the Source occur. All human souls are eternal including lesser beings of the Animal Kingdom. Like mighty Oak trees losing their leaves in the Fall, conscious beings go through the reincarnational process, entering into density and then retreating once the harshness of the physical density wears them down. This life cycle exists to allow for the greatest challenge to test a soul’s consciousness.
There is no punishment for negative acts that lead to a downward spiral of soul growth, as is often contained with in religious dogma. The non-judgmental, universal force of Karma simply comes into play to teach and guide the soul away from negative choices by “hard knock” lessons that hopefully lead the soul to the path of light and love.
Judgment is that mental tree that exist outside of the Universal Mind. Mistakenly stated by many religious leaders, that “only the Divine has the right to judge”, does not understand the fundamental truth, that He does not ever judge. That is a human folly which eons ago caused mental separation. Humans are so caught in judgment, that they often find this a difficult concept to grasp, that the One Mind is unconditionally loving. That means never judging anything in Creation; For All is He.
And again to emphasize, when a soul reaches the point of no return, it is only when very dark spirits that are destroying themselves with fear. The decision to reabsorb the consciousness is made by quite advanced entities who govern such things. These loving beings wish to take the pain away so that the soul can begin once again, hopefully after many eons of growth, achieving enlightenment upon the second attempt.
The concept of Hell was created as a tool to scare humans into believing that they are judged for their sins and will then be banished from Heaven. There is no judgment from Higher Realms, only love and guidance directed towards any human who is in fear, or who is making a mistake causing pain to another. A loving lessons is presented which at times can be painful, not to punish, but to gain the most soul growth through hardship. If there is no pain, there generally, is not much gain. Compassion for others is often learned through a similar type of pain experience.
As to reaching Heaven after dropping the physical body, it is automatic for all souls. That does not mean negative actions during one’s life go unnoticed, for the karmic lessons will be presented eventually to teach a better way. But punishment for sins is but a foolish concept perpetrated by Man’s ignorance and fear. Punishment is a sadistic act and unworthy of those loving beings who are in charge of each soul’s development.
By exiting the physical realm upon death, the human consciousness enters the heavenly, higher planes as easily as one can imagine. One ascended master shared that it is like taking off an old shoe. One never feels more alive than in spirit form. For the density of the physical body numbs the senses in order to present the challenge of limitation.
One example was given. A soul’s ability to see is nearly 360 degrees as compared to less than 180 degree breadth experienced while in human form. Eventually too, one rejuvenates back to one’s prime, about 35 years old. That is something to look forward to, not feared.
The ego believes that when one dies, one becomes less or even nothing. The opposite is true; One expands in awareness. The true meaning of the word, “death” is “change of form”. There is no end to consciousness. On the Earth Plane, many believe death is an ending because of the body’s eventual decay. It is not. Death is a magical transformation into something much better, lighter and more energetic.
A true reconnection with the Source, can only occur if judgment ends on the soul level. For self judgment separates us from the communicative , unconditionally loving flow of the Center of All That Is. To achieve permeant reconnection, a human soul incarnates into the Physical Plane which is furthest from the Center, in order to experience that sense of separation which our minds have chosen in the past. If a person is judging anyone or anything in the Universe, then they are judging the One Mind. For All is He.
There is no possibility of separation from the Universe, only a mental belief that one could be judged severely and damned into Hell. For All is the One. He does not separate from himself or anything in his Creation. All human souls are part of His consciousness. The belief that one is not, is what our soul is attempting to rectify by reincarnating into an illusory state of separation, over and over again.
All beings make up the One Body of the Universe. There is no real separation, just maybe an illusion of the mind that each and every animal, plant and crystalline rock is not part of the Source’s Mind and Body.
Therefore, have no fear of your own soul ending, or others that you have loved, who have crossed over into spirit….if you are asking even one question….your soul is on an upward spiral towards understanding and enlightenment.
End transmission.
P.S. The myth of Superman is an important, archetype symbol of whom souls truly are in nature. Superman, the Higher Self or soul symbol, who is an indestructible being, is able to fly through space and time. When Superman comes to Earth, he puts on a weaker personality self, a news reporter, Clark Kent, the Lower Self symbol. But the truth is that he is still Superman, “who has powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men,” as do all souls. A human just needs to believe that is true.