A loyal customer of mine from Taiwan recently asked me several questions about the nature of the soul, intelligent questions that I am sure many people have pondered. Therefore, a decision was made to sum up in an essay what has been explored over many years of metaphysical study regarding the soul and its journey from light to darkness, and then again to light’s comforting embrace.
The following information was gleaned from many sources over the past three decades. Whenever information about the nature of reality, which has been brought down from the Higher Realms via the written or spoken word, dovetails and agrees with another completely different source, the inclination therefore is to consider it to be closer to the truth than what Man has believed for centuries, especially from a religious standpoint. For men of the distant past, and notice it was not stated, men and woman, often have clouded their interpretation of metaphor, allegory and fable with negative judgments and fear of the mind, especially against the feminine energies. In doing so, it has often altered the clear message as first presented.
So be aware that information shared in the following about the nature of the soul will challenge certain belief systems of a religious nature that are based upon fear of the Universe. Much that has been programmed into the psyche of humanity, and passed down for centuries by generation after generation, has stemmed from thoughts of fear and judgment. Since fear is an illusion of the mind, it will never lead one to the truth about the Self, either in microcosm or macrocosm terms.
May the many channelers, writers, artists and spiritual teachers that are referenced here be your guide to understanding more about the nature of your true self, that exists both in this physical 3rd dimension, as well as a higher plane of consciousness often called the Spirit Plane, the 7th dimension, Nirvana or Heaven. Humans are multi-dimensional creatures who are often caught in their ego’s view believing only in the existence of the physical world.
From any pulpit or altar one might hear much spoken about the soul, but only in somewhat vague terms. If a religious follower were to be asked the question, “What is the soul?”, he or she would often be hard-pressed to give a clear explanation about this essential part of their nature. Most of religious doctrine speaks about a human being having a soul that lives on in heaven. But it is seldom explained, or the fact presented, that the soul comes first and that the human being is but a manifestation of the soul’s consciousness, reaching into and probing this dense, dimensional plane. It is the soul’s creation of a body electric, a living, breathing, self-aware personality that is loved beyond its wildest dreams. Despite feeling separate in ego, a human is very much connected to a greater and wiser self whose focus and attention is in nurturing and caring for its magnificent creation in human form.
To understand how one’s soul came into being, one needs a history lesson going back literally millions of years, eleven million to be precise, the true age of the human species. Man’s view of ancient history based upon scientific analysis through carbon dating is not at all accurate. For the Earth has existed at many different densities throughout time. So molecular decay of carbon atoms cannot be analyzed as being consistent as scientists of today believe to be true, without taking into account this change of vibrational density during various epochs of time.
Spirit has shared that “in the beginning”, all consciousness first appeared as individual tiny sparks of energy that manifested in the “Kingdom of the Air.” Just as there are Rock, Plant and Animal Kingdoms, so there exists one for the original state of energetic consciousness. If one cups their hands around their own eyes, and looks into a clear blue sky, one can witness the Kingdom of the Air. It will appear as minute sparks flitting here and there. This is the fundamental beginning of all consciousness. If one has maybe noticed this visual event before, it may have been tossed off as just an optical illusion because of the bright sun. It is not. It is truly the start of life that emanates from the Source in its most rudimentary state of awareness.
Man’s next great change in the physical dimension came millions of years later as these sparks of consciousness merged eventually with the highest point on the Earth, the Himalayan Mountains. That is why even to this day, this area remains a spiritual center of higher realm consciousness. These mountainous peaks of the Earth are fundamental to Man’s origins, where he began to merged more with the physical body and consciousness of Mother Earth, becoming one.
The interim stages between man’s imprint upon the Himalayan mountains and his later more human form is too complex and also not as yet revealed to man to go into further detail here. We therefore, now skip ahead to a time when human’s appeared similar to man of today, but with some important exceptions.
In these early days of Man’s journey upon the planet, physical reality was finer, more flexible and fluid. Things manifested with just focused thought which grabbed more easily the aetheric material to physicalize what the spirit had in mind to create. The Aetheric Plane responds to thought to form reality, as it does so easily in finer, lighter, less dense, dimensional realities. Presently, the low vibrational effect of fear has densified the Earth and all who reside upon her. This focused thought to manifested form is not as easily accomplished currently.
However, once, Earth was of a lighter state, existing within the frequency of the 7th dimensional plane. Once fear entered the dimension and propagated throughout a myriad of beings, it eventually slowed down the vibrational state of even the physical matter of the planet, causing a vibrational shift, dropping the Earth and all her inhabitants into the 3rd dimension. It may be hard to fathom such a dramatic shift of dimensional reality, but again to reiterate, in man’s distant past, the world and her creatures were of a very different, lighter state of being. Man wonders about the gigantic weight of a Brontosaurus dinosaur. The understanding of lighter density in Earth’s past would help in concluding why this could occur without crushing the animal under its own weight.
This exit from a higher realm is what is referred to in biblical texts, “The Fall from Grace”. As part of human evolution, mankind was meant to adopt fear into his consciousness, and as a result, mentally separate from the Source through this mental judgment of the ego. Without the constant mental connection to Source, the species would proceed to explore on its own, or so it would think, the ability to transcend fear and judgment.
It is the “Prodigal Son” fable, of a separated consciousness leaving the grace of Home, to enter for a period of time, a darker and denser physical domain which had become affected by his negative thoughts. This brave journey, outside of the Source’s loving light and protection, was to help each spirit become richer in experience. This change brought an opportunity to develop an ability to transcend his or her own darkest fear. This great lesson is to ultimately learn the power of love, and then to return such love to the Source.
To explain how this process of shedding fear was accomplished through the experience of the soul, one needs to have an open mind with the following description of man’s early form. Several million years ago, the form of man was very much similar to that of today, except for the number of digits on the hand and such organ differences as having a smaller lung. The thinner air, less oxygen rich atmosphere, once the Earth sunk into density, caused man to eventually grow a larger lung in order to compensate for the “bad air”.
And Man’s hand in the very distant past was more of a mitten shape, just used for grasping, with only a separate opposable thumb. No more dexterity was required since food was abundantly growing in Pangea, the paradisal reality at that time. As pinnacle periods of evolving consciousness were attained, the hand would split another digit to reflect the human species next stage of growth.
The index finger first separated from the large mass of the hand opposite the thumb. This stage reflected a human’s ability to have a separate ego, a sense of identity, the “I am presence,” becoming more conscious of being a unique spirit in form.
Below is a little Palmistry lesson of the hand of Man as it exists today.

As the second and next stage of growth for the species came upon humanity, the middle finger split to reflect the spirit’s sense of self awareness. Therefore, the middle finger symbolizes a person’s self esteem, how they view themselves. That is why currently, the middle finger is held up backwards towards someone when one wishes to ridicule another’s self esteem, in other words, turn self esteem around on its self.
Thirdly, the ring finger split away in order to delve more deeply into Heart expression. Up until that point, human consciousness was rather mental in nature, immature regarding its awareness of the power of love that stems from the heart center.
And finally the pinky separated in time, revealing the dual nature of sexuality that began the Reincarnational Cycle as will be explained in further detail now. For it is this natural cycle that all sentient species of advanced nature in the Universe must go through in order to transcend fear.
Here’s one last look at Palmistry’s view of the fingerprint patterns and what they reveal to the self. Keep in mind, that every part of the physical body is a mirrored reflection of the soul. Nothing is left to chance; For DNA helix strands, as technicians of today program computers with 1’s and 0’s, are the biological mechanisms that Spirit uses to program the physical body in exact precision to mirror the self on the soul level.

Reincarnation was not always a part of the human species experience. The planet, before fear densified its nature, was, as said earlier, finer in its molecular state. Living tissue simply regenerated and there was no such thing as death. There were also Inert Gases such as Argon, Neon and Zenon in greater quantity in the Earth’s atmosphere then which helped too with the regenerative process of animal tissues. One day in the not too distant future, those inert gases will be reinstated back into the atmosphere by those who guide the planet. The resulting healing effect will be profound for the inhabitants of the entire whole world.
But eventually, when thoughts of fear and separation started a vibrational shift into lower realm density, tissue began to decay and was unable to regenerate as before.
It was therefore time for early man to learn to let go of the decaying body which surrounded its consciousness when it no longer functioned as needed. This dropping of the physical body and returning to a higher dimensional state to recover, and then reincarnate once again to work through one’s fears and denial in the physical plane, became then the norm.
On a side note, certain human spirits chose at the start of the reincarnational process, out of a love of physical agility, to enter into certain larger animal species from that time on. That is why the sense of a wise soul is often felt with larger canine and feline species. Furthermore, one large group of water born species, the warm-blooded Cetaceans, which includes whales, dolphins and porpoise, are actually all human souls who at this decisive event wished the fluidity of movement and escape from the difficulty of human form on land.
The symbol of “first man”, Adam, represented all of human consciousness. His “feeling lonely”, was a stage of human development entering into fear, since connection with the Source was broken through mental judgment that parts of Creation were “bad.” The warning of Adam to not pick from the “Tree of Judgment,” was a warning, not a commandment. The loving advice was that if one allows the mind to choose fear and judgment, because the Source never judges, one will feel separate from the Universe’s loving embrace, and therefore have a sense of aloneness. Eve was Adam’s internal feminine, so it was his denial as he swallowed his anger and rage that is symbolized by the red fruit of the “Judgment Tree” being eaten.
Religions turn everything into “have to’s” and fundamentally cannot accept the true unconditionally loving nature of the Source. To be unconditionally loving is still so foreign to human ken, man can’t even imagine the Source as being completely accepting of human failing, even such negative actions as murder. Hence, the ego created in fear a madness that followed for eons of all the foolish talk about damnation and sin. The Source does not condemn nor judge any overly emotional act by any human in a state of fear.
Since every particular spirit of the Universe is the body of the One, it would make no sense or serve no purpose to judge the Self. Fearful negative emotional acts perpetrated are dealt with only with lessons of learning and guidance through the Karmic Laws. There is no punishment from higher realms for human failing as is taught by so many “spiritual teachers.” As the enlightened channeled work, “A Course in Miracles” professes… the only real sin, an act that separates one from the universal consciousness, is the mental belief in sin. Acts which cause pain to anyone or the Self, are certainly not ignored, including even he minutia. But these acts of fear are handled from above with a loving, instructive way to guide a spirit back onto the path of light.
The warning to not choose mental judgment or fear was given. But at the same time, it was also expected that man would eventually need to exit the paradisal, 7th dimensional reality of Pangea in order to appreciate Home in a deeper, more heartfelt way.
To return to the discussion of the nature of the soul, consider that Eve, being plucked from “Adam’s rib” was the beginning of humanity’s descent into duality as part of the reincarnational process. Early man was both male and female in one, a hermaphrodite in form. When denial of the inner feminine became self destructive, that Yin aspect of man was removed from his feeling center, the Solar Plexus area of the body which happens to be located right next to the bottom of the rib cage which is why the rib symbol was used.
This split into duality was so that spirits could witness more clearly their feminine half in order to work through denial of the emotional nature of man. And most importantly, it was not a woman that swallowed the fruit in the allegory, but rather man in his denial of his feminine aspect. It is the age long struggle of Yang polarity afraid to express the Yin polarity, and then blaming “her’ for being the problem..
The name associated with the symbol of man at this time was “Adam”. Often a hidden meaning of names and words can be revealed by looking at the word in mirror form. The word “live” backwards is “evil” which suggests that any evil act is a non-life affirming choice. So one can consider too, the name “Adam” backwards, is the “mad A”, in other words, the “mad one”. Adam in a state of denial therefore needed to work through that swallowed fruit of mind’s judgment against the “red”, which is made up of dense vibrational feelings of rage and anger.
Now, Let’s look more closely at the true nature of the soul, once it was formed after the entrance into the reincarnational cycle in man’s distant past. The soul, also called the “Monad,” is a continuing spirit consciousness that originates from its early days in the Kingdom of the Air, having grown dramatically greater in self awareness since that early time millions of years earlier.
The soul does not project its entire energy into the physicalized human, but acts more like Geppetto working the strings of Pinnochio. The soul wishes to bring more and more of its consciousness into the physical dimension, but that task is not easy. For fear is always blocking that from happening. The slow vibration of fear literally acts as a wall to higher frequency energies of love and spirit.
What a human needs to understand and accept is that the soul is much more advanced in its consciousness than the personality self. It has been self aware for eons, while the human came more recently into being. The soul’s main focus, once it enters the vehicle of the human form, is to begin a process of attempting to self actualize which means to bring its full consciousness to form.
But Ego of the Earth Plane, that part of human consciousness that separated in fear, negatively programs the Lower Self in the early home environment, often raising a wall of judgment, keeping the higher frequency of the soul’s consciousness at bay. One can call the soul, the “Higher Self” and the incarnated human that the soul creates, his or her “Lower Self.” All souls lean towards one or the other masculine and feminine polarities. So a very male soul attempting to add and balance its feminine nature may incarnate into female form in order to expose himself to this Yin aspect more powerfully in the current incarnation.
A famous metaphysician, the actress, Shirley MacLaine, who has shared in many books, her exploration of the dual nature of man, described that once during meditating, she had an out of body experience. This is where the physical body is automatically maintained, but the Lower Self consciousness exits the physical vehicle for a brief time to explore its light body. In the book, MacLaine describes actually meeting her soul or Higher Self. She described him as a very male consciousness, a sort of warrior type that was much larger in stature than most humans. One personal belief that this advanced spirit has been made most fun of by society, is her assertion that her soul once incarnated as the early american statesman, Thomas Jefferson. This true fact is shared here and by her in order to expand the reader’s view of the expansive nature of the soul.
Now, an explanation as to how the actual birthing and death process occurs is needed to more fully understand, who and what is a human being. In the current time of duality, the union of a male and female brings a gestation period of preparing a physical vehicle for an incoming spirit or soul. Because the developing fetus in time appears more and more human, it has been thought that the fetus is a human being. However, that assertion would be missing an important fact, that there is no soul attached to the fetus yet as it is forming, other than the mother’s own consciousness. Only the mother’s nervous system is connected in the gestation process causing the kicking, etc.. The incoming soul however, in the higher dimension, orchestrates events which help nurture the preparation of its vehicle, even adding prana energy to its formation. But it isn’t until the mother lets go and severs her connection with the fetus that the incoming soul can take over the physicalized form. It is done in this way.
The soul does this by sending its consciousness into the human form with what can be called a “light umbilical chord”. At birth, it enters through the opening in the skull called the fontanel, attaching this light chord then to the base of the spine. Once this is accomplished, the soul takes over governance of the human vehicle that has been prepared by the mother. It has been shared from Spirit that fundamentally, humans are air breathing creatures. It is impossible for any human soul to therefore exist even for a brief time in a state of amniotic fluid.
And to from a simply loving standpoint, the Source would not have created a life process that could possibly have one human form dying within another. So therefore, new understanding needs to be attained that the fetus is the preparation of a physical vehicle for an incoming spirit, not as yet surrounding a human consciousness, even though near the end, it looks and appears like a fully formed human being. A miscarriage and abortion are losses of opportunities for an incoming soul to incarnate, but they are not a death of a human being. For the soul’s consciousness has not as yet entered the fetus to begin its life’s journey.
But a pregnant mother might say, “How can that be! I sense another consciousness during the gestation period!” That may well be true, because the soul in another dimension hovers at times literally within feet of the mother, adding energy to the growing fetus while also learning about the environment it will soon enter and inhabit as an infant.
Once the soul has entered the human form, it has a few months to retreat back during sleep into lighter dimensional states in order to get used to the extreme density that it will experience for years to come. For the moment a soul merges with the fetus for the first time, upon exiting from the birth canal, it is slapped down into the weightiness of the Earth Plane. It is like a whale suddenly being thrust upon a beach. Is it a wonder that a slap on the bottom and the gravity pull is more than enough to cause a baby’s first cry?
When babies are found in their cribs no longer alive, a sad situation called, “crib death”, it is the incoming spirit refusing to re-enter through the fontanel during sleep because it is not at all enjoying the weighty physicalization. After about four months however, the bones of the skull close over and the soul is then incapsulated within the vehicle until its eventual moment of fundamental change, which humans call “death.” The true metaphysical meaning of the word ”death” is “changing form”. Death is not an end but more a time of change; For consciousness and energy only change form. Consciousness never ends.
With the birth moment now explained, let’s look further at the moment a consciousness exits the physical body when it is done with the learning of the current incarnation.
Those individuals who have what is called an “after death experience,” have had a glance at that automatic process of exiting the physical body. Their return, enables us to have first hand accounts of what occurs at the moment of change. They describe commonly, a “light at the end of a tunnel” and a feeling that their life is flashing before them. These are real occurrences that can be explained by Spirit through channeled work information.
As related before, at the moment of birth, an incoming soul attaches its consciousness to the base of the spine. It is the release of this light umbilical chord, and the consciousness then traveling up the spinal column that explains the “tunnel experience.” The Higher Self wishes to extract all learning and positive experiences too that the Lower Self has gone through. It is in a very real way, a biological computer upload of the life experience that the soul wishes to save from its incarnation. Certain more negative ego consciousness is left behind.
The “light at the end of the tunnel” is a dimensional portal from the Earth Plane to the Higher Realms. This light-filled doorway into the Spirit Plane is located at the Crown Chakra, the very top of the head where the soul first entered. Once one has passed through that portal, the consciousness has finally left the physical vehicle of the body and exists only in a higher dimensional state.
Bodies buried in the ground are viewed by souls in the same way that one cares about hair cut off at the barber shop. Here in the physical, mankind needs to understand more fully that the loved one is very much alive, but not in the ground and body of Mother Earth. Granted, a grave gives focus for communicating to those in another dimension, but it is not necessary. And it is important to understand that the endless graves pollute the planet being mankind walks upon daily. The evolved understanding that it is better to cremate the body, returning the dust of matter to light and the fire of Spirit, is advised and encouraged.
Now one might ask, “If the soul creates the Lower Self, how do they relate once the human has been retrieved to the Spirit Plane upon its passing. An amazing enlightened source once explained it in a poetic way, that the soul wears its lifetimes like a pearl necklace around its neck. It can bring forward any one of those personality selves, but generally speaking, the soul projects the most recent incarnation as a separate being since that personality has achieved the most recent level of development for the advanced soul. A main concept to keep in mind is that the soul creates often many lifetimes, but the incarnated human has but one physical life experience, and then continues on in Spirit.
When a soul is unable to increase its light by transcending fear through incarnation after incarnation, the being’s energy begins to dissipate. In other words, if a soul has not found love and chooses only fear after seemingly endless lessons and many attempts by ore advanced souls, there comes a time when it is decided by those in charge in Higher Realms to reabsorb the soul back into the “center of all that is”. Since this is a failure of achievement, and requires beginning again in the Kingdom of the Air to start the long process as described earlier, there is great sadness by those who govern humanity to make this ultimate decision for a particular soul. For much time, energy and love has been extended to any spirit and therefore it is hoped that the soul will eventually achieve enlightenment.
However, this is not always the case. But this final decision is never made casually and only after it is clear that the soul essence is dissipating and only making existence very painful for the degenerating soul. Religious beliefs that one act could damn one to becoming a “lost soul,” does not understand the very patient and ever allowing nature of the Source. Thinking there is only one chance for anyone to achieve anything is ego talking and does not understand the complexity of evolving a soul out of fear.
Now to the illusion of aloneness. Ego would like to think that it can hide and secrete its actions from peering eyes. The fig leaf in the Eden myth is that mental symbol of the illusion of hiddenness and the resulting shame regarding what one would be afraid not to hide. Nothing is more natural than sexuality, yet most people are in great shame of the expression of Eros in its many forms.
In reality, nothing is private, not even a thought, for the soul is ever aware. And those in the Higher Realms see everything since there are no walls in between thought and the Spirit Plane. Only in the physical one can keep behind closed doors. But even within that physically walled-up escape are guiding figures in spirit, non-judgmentally, continually watching and teaching.
It has been shared by Spirit, that besides one’s soul, who lovingly leads the way in life, there are three other human spirits who are usually involved in a human life path and teaching as well. These are often referred to as a spirit guide. But the truth is that there are at least three: One who has charge over the intellectual growth and mental prowess of the incarnated self; One who aids in evolving the feminine aspect through release of emotional denial held for lifetimes; And another who is called the “watcher”, who literally watches out for the safety of the physical body. Unless it is meant to happen, no one walks out into traffic accidentally with a watcher present, who makes sure the Lower Self doesn’t make a tragic and foolish, unnecessary mistake. A lot of time and energy goes into the formation of a human being, especially into adulthood, so that effort is not allowed to be lost easily to mere happenstance. Hence, the main point made here is that no one is ever alone even if one wants to be, and that means even Greta Garbo.
There is never any pressure from the Source for his souls to achieve a lesson at a certain time frame. Each evolve according to their individual traits and gifts. In fact, one has unlimited opportunities if the soul attempts to improve the self. If it chooses darkness and fear in a conscious way, there also is no coercion to chose love, just guidance and help if the soul is open to that aid. To emphasize, there is no judgment from higher realms for human failing. For to exist in the highest of realms, one needs to clear judgment from its consciousness completely. To guide others on their life path, one is required to be unconditionally loving despite the foolish mistakes of a human caught in a state of fear.
Any incarnation is a great gift. For according to Spirit, there are approximately six trillion souls that make up the human species. With only a few billion able to incarnate on the Earth at any one time, one can be sure there is a long line waiting for that opportunity to heal the Self through density. It is in this painful, dense world that a soul is able to feel its denial and fully release it. For in spirit, reality is so pleasant, that it is very challenging to tap into that deep denial. The slowness of the Earth Plane teaches, patience, faith and trust, important virtues for the soul to adopt. And those virtues are therefore tested in the “School of Life” when one gets frustrated, angry at reality, impatient for things to change, resistant, etc..
In higher dimensions there are soul groups, those spirits who particularly love and enjoy each other and have a commonality. When a life path is planned, these friends in Spirit can choose to play a combative role during incarnation with another who they have great love for on the soul level. Often family members are members of a soul group in Spirit.
In the case of suicide, an act of desperation to end an emotional state, there again is no judgment since most spirits in one lifetime or another have chosen to give up, rather than feel their deep rages. However, there is no escaping the self; for one becomes more alive in spirit form than the numbing density of the physical incarnation.
The body is a physical limit placed upon the self to challenge its nature. Once the body is released, a spirit actually is more aware and energetic than in the human form. It has been shared from Spirit that crossing over into the spiritual dimension is the easiest thing one will do in life. It is an automatic event that is painless, like “taking off an old shoe”. And the entrance into spirit form makes one feel vibrantly alive and loved the moment they enter that higher frequency dimensional state.
The first place experienced is what is called, “Summerland”. It is where the human is given time to regenerate its form back to about age 35 an also get used to its new way of being. The religious equivalent is what is called “purgatory.” In Summerland though one can enjoy the perfect reality created from the ethers in order to take all the time one needs to get used to existence in the new form of a light body. The myth of Superman is based on the reincarnational process, where an indestructible and powerful being (the Higher Self), who can fly through space, comes to Earth and puts on a personality self, Clark Kent (the Lower Self), that is weaker in order to work within the human community in order to fight for “truth and justice.” Often well known fiction is a metaphor for life. Writers are inspired by Spirit to teach the nature of reality to Man.
In the case of committing suicide, this act simply slows the soul’s progress since the same type of circumstances need to be set up in other lifetime in order to not resist and avoid the cleansing of the emotional body. So in other words, if one gives up, one cannot progress to the next level. Earth is called, the “School of Life”. Therefore, one cannot pass third grade without fully learning the lessons that make up that stage of development.
Intrinsically, the soul wishes to balance its male and female polarities. It has been shared from Spirit that after the death of so many male polarity souls in World War II, there occurred an influx of lesbians born in the fifties. These are male, doer, thinker polarity souls who wish to expose themselves to only female energy during the current lifetime to add more Yin energy to their consciousness. The opposite is true for gay men, who are commonly feminine polarity souls who wish to add more male polarity to their being.
The negative judgment against the homosexual community is therefore unfair, and only reflects poorly upon those who think this lifestyle should simply not be. The evil passage in the Bible, written by judgmental men, that homosexuality is an “abomination” is their own karmic burden against the varied Self.
There is no judgment from above regarding the sharing of love in any form, sexual or otherwise. In fact, the homosexual community is considered spiritually advanced in many ways. These are often the artists and designers that want to commit fully to their art forms in order to uplift humanity. Children take a lot of focus and attention to raise properly. Ask any parent! A committed artist simply does not have the energy to do both fully. In Spirit, the Gay community is called the “Free Community,” because these souls express their true nature despite the very negative judgments at this time on the Earth. These judgments are for the rest of humanity to evolve out of, not homosexuals to behave differently then their true nature.
The question may be, are all souls on the Earth at the same level of development. Hardly! It is like a school which has five primary levels to pass through. Spirit has described it in these simple terms:
Baby soul, one who has no self awareness and only reacts to reality with immediate drives and needs;
Child soul, one who has become conscious of the self but at a very rudimentary level expecting all to cater to it;
Adolescent soul, one who sees “the other” as a possible threat;
Adult soul, one who sees others as different but not threatened by their uniqueness;
Old soul, one who understands the fundamental truth that everything in reality is the Self, that “All is One”. It is the “love thine enemy as thy self” consciousness.
There is a unique phenomena called being a “walk in.” A soul who is inhabiting a particular body is not able to handle the life challenges presented, and is on a negative spiral, an inevitable road to self destruction, then something miraculous is allowed to occur. In these rare cases, a more powerful soul can take over the body during, say, a car accident, where the original soul detaches and another then enters the body in order to take control and create a more positive life destiny.
It has been suggested that this occurred with a famous celebrity, Rosanne Barr. When she was young, she was abused and was not coping with the situation, giving into her own self loathing. At an early age, she had a car accident, where she almost died. It has been said and acknowledge by her that she felt a duplicitous nature in herself, a split personality, from that point on. Barr became a very powerful female figure of self empowerment for the world. The “walk in” soul who took over her previous soul’s life path had an important destiny to fulfill in this way.
And one last example of how the soul is the puppeteer. It is possible for an advanced soul to create and guide two life paths at the same time. In other words, some advanced souls can incarnate into two human beings at the same time period in order to speed growth or just experience duality in a profound way. It is another example that there are things in heaven and earth that many people would not believe possible.
All beings on this planet have a continuing consciousness that exits form when needed, and then reemerges back into the physical. It has been shared by Spirit that there are only two species that do not have a continuing soul, those being the fly and cockroach species. These are biological mechanism created by dark souls who only wished to annoy humanity. All other creature of form have varying time spent in higher planes before re-physicializing. Those of the Plant kingdom reform almost instantly. Those smaller beings of awareness, like insects too, return without much pause in spirit. And as the creatures of the Animal Kingdom become more complex in consciousness, the time needed to recover from the physical experience only increases.
One mistake made by some of a religious faith who do believe in reincarnation is that a human could incarnate into a vastly lower animal form. As mentioned earlier, some human souls chose in the early days of the reincarnation cycle to take larger animal forms. That is true. But it is not possible for complex human souls to incarnate as smaller animal or insect species.
One last thought to consider is that the soul is like a vast biological computer that stores all experiences from all of its lifetimes. Those can be as few in number as one, or over 13,000 which is common for many souls to transcend fear. Ramtha, a famous male polarity soul, only took one lifetime to remove fear from his consciousness. Most take thousands of life experiences to accomplish that important spiritual lesson. One may ask, then why can’t I remember those lifetimes?” The simple answer is that it would be enormously distracting and overwhelming. So mental filters, “firewalls”, are set up between the Higher and Lower Self so that the human being won’t lose its grasp on reality, living through in its current incarnation.
Eventually the entire species will end the reincarnational cycle. But that is many years down the “yellow brick road.” Yellow is the feeling center of the body’s chakra system, as stated earlier, positioned at the Solar Plexus center. It is those feelings and emotions that need to be sorted out in order to self actualize the soul into the physical dimension. Once fear is shed, and the virtues of faith, trust and hope are fully instilled into the consciousness, then more power can be given to the soul who has transcended his or her self and the physical dimension.
All spirits vibrate at a specific frequency depending upon their soul development. The higher the vibrational level, the less in fear that soul exists within daily. And it is this rise out of fear and its dense vibrational nature, that is the ultimate transcendent goal of each spark of life, that once, many ages ago, entered upon the Earth Plane through the Kingdom of the Air from the ever positive, loving Source.
End transmission.