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DVD#1 – Amazing Art of Gum Paste Sugar Flowers


10 in stock


DVD#1 – The Amazing Art of Gum Paste Sugar Flowers

Start off on the right foot with this delightful art form of sugar flowers with my first DVD which teaches the important flowers: Tea Rose, Rubrum Lily, Cattleya Orchid & smaller filler flowers demonstrated with and without a cutter.

Basic technique is covered as well as thoroughly fascinating painting and sculpting knowledge for such varieties as the exquisite Oriental Lily

Included too is a thorough lesson on how to make my handy gum paste sugar dough to make the most lifelike of sugar flowers.

Evolve your abilities quickly and effortlessly with this extremely helpful DVD on sugar flowers!

Originally $149. Sale price is now only $29! A steal!


Also on YouTube.

Additional information

Weight 4.3 oz
Dimensions 7.5 × 5.5 × .5 in

White, Cream, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Lavender-tipped, Green, Bronze, Red, Black, Pink-tipped, Gold, Silver


Large, Medium, Small

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