As a child, I was mesmerized by paintings done by my older cousin Sam. He turned paint and canvas into something wondrous to behold. I knew i wanted to make that kind of magic happen, too! But when I began art classes in school, I lost hear because of discouraging criticism from teachers and from an impatient voice inside my head expecting quick results. My dream of being a painter soon faded.
In high school I developed a passion for the performing arts, and after earning a bachelor’s degree in theater, I moved to New York City to pursue an acting career. In order to make my proverbial ends meet, I moonlighted as a manager for one of the top caterers. That’s where I met and ingenious cake decorator who had been hired to design a special effect for the thousandth performance of the Broadway hit, “Evita”. Right away I wanted to lend a helping hand by locating a plaster bust of Eva Peron, enabling him to sculpt one in Marzipan as the crowning touch atop his creation. It was the start of a partnership that would transform us both.
For the next few years, I watched the development of Scott’s craftsmanship with cakes, offering ideas and assistance whenever i could. Getting only sporadic work as an actor on daytime television, I began to yearn for a career where I could express my creativity more often and also earn a living. What U was looking for was right there in front of me! so in 1987, I said good-bye to show business and enthusiastically became Scott’s full-time partner in the artful world of cake decorating.
Since the, we’ve created hundreds of custom-order cakes and other works of sugar art for virtually every occasion under the sun. As collaborator, I get to play a wide variety of supporting roles. My favorite is pinging glorious three-dimensional flowers. In a completely unexpected way, my childhood dream has come true. The palette and brushes are back in my hands again, only now my canvas is sugar! Turning simple dough into lifelike flowers is truly magical. And I’ve discovered that by taking the time to be true to Nature, my eyes are opened anew to the breathtaking wonders that abound in this magnificent garden called Earth.
Writing and compiling “Cakes By Design” has been yet another exciting opportunity to collaborate with scott. It is my hope that our book encourages you to discover or rediscover the artist within you and inspires you to imagine endless possibilities,
Sweet dreams,
Michael G. Farace

In 1998, a little over a year after the first printing of our book, very sadly, and unexpectedly, my dear, sweet, “Partner in Art” crossed over into Spirit. His sudden passing had a profound effect on my heart. For, as Oscar Wilde once put it, “Hearts live by being wounded.” Mine lives more powerfully now through the experience, focused to share with others what Michael and I learned together during those seventeen, very creative years.

There is no question in my mind and heart that Michael is still guiding and watching over our enterprise. I now have a very special place in
my new home to display the plaster bust of Eva Peron that Michael had thoughtfully brought to me when we met for the first time.
Be joyful in Spirit, Michael.
I love you! And I am oh so very grateful that we shared so much in life together.