Ego’s Fixation of Safe, Same and Simple

Fear, the lowest vibrational frequency of all emotions, can be defined as:

1. An illusion of the mind that one is not safe.

2. A contractive, negative view of that which is different from the self.

3. A state of being, which resists the complex nature of reality.

Or, in one word, “Ego”.


Human consciousness in its distant past was once connected without interruption with Universal Consciousness. Spirits were male and female in one, hermaphroditic in nature. 

These first humans mirrored that fundamental connection with “All That Is”, having only one lobe contained within their brain structure. Once fear entered the human psyche, part of mind broke apart in an illusory belief that one was now alone and separate.

As a result of fear entering the mind of man, a wall of separation within the brain structure formed. This wall of tissue separated the left brain ego self, a creation of the contractive nature of fear, leaving behind the right brain, which remained still connected to the Source. This began Man’s descent into duality, learning to govern properly the left brain part of its consciousness which was based upon fearful thoughts that were not reality, while still including and hopefully balancing the right brain connection to the One Mind. 

The common phrase, “They are not in their right mind” therefore now has more meaning than maybe being just a comment regarding a person’s mental health.

Since Creation is formed from Heart’s love, and fear is the opposite of love, once thoughts of fear entered man’s consciousness, there began a journey of humans exiting, or one could say, retreating mentally from the Source, in order to explore their darker nature of fear. One cannot separate from that which is you. However, the mind, being in a dimensional reality where there is no concept of time nor space, can hence think and believe anything.


This journey exploring duality is reflected symbolically in the Yin/Yang symbol, where the male, mental part of self represented by black, is learning to balance the light and love of the feminine aspect of the creative force, shown as white. One needs both aspects to be a uniquely powerful individual. So this split and separation was a necessary part of a human’s evolutionary process. If one remained only connected to the Source, there is no depth of exploration and therefore less uniqueness achieved for an evolving spirit. That is why the fable of the “Prodigal Son” is such a profound allegory. Without leaving “Home”, a spirit cannot learn as much and therefore receive the rewards of challenging the self by being on it’s own for a time.

That said, let’s look further into how Ego takes too much charge of that journey into individuality. As stated before, Ego was formed from fear, so if consciousness is caught in a state of fear, it is picking from the “Judgment Tree of the Three S’s.” 

What is meant by that? If a person’s view of reality stems from wanting any aspect of reality to be safe, same or simple, or a combination of all three, the person is in fear and leaning towards Ego’s distorted view of reality.

Let’s begin by breaking through the delusional belief that one is not safe. 

Consider this…

“Fear is an illusion of the mind. What one is afraid of never occurs. What challenges one needs to face in life are lovingly presented by Spirit as the doable challenge to evolve the individual self. Therefore, there is never a good reason to be in fear of the present moment or any possible imagined event in the future” – SCW

One is always safe, even in the most adverse circumstances. For the difficulties of life are set before the person to be there, specifically, to challenge further the individual soul at a level of testing that is in alignment with the current ability to achieve. “The School of Life” has its grades of achievement; One is never given a task that is beyond his or her ability to succeed.

And too, the soul incarnates to experience pain in the 3rd dimension in order to burn off past acts of cruelty towards any part of the self. In other words, a karmic return is planned and a lesson is unfolded for the human being to go through eventually in life, in order to learn to not attack the self. The common fallacy about the nature of “bad” karma is that it brings with it, a type of punishment. That would be a mistaken judgment made by the ego. There is no punishment ever involved in the Law of Karma, just a specifically appropriate lesson to teach the immature soul how it is hurting itself or others. Karma is sort of the auto-immune system of the Body of the Universe and is there to protect, nurture and help preserve the Self, not punish any part of it.

Most people are familiar with the simple song, sung often in a round, “Row! Row! Row Your Boat!”

Full lyrics:

Row! Row! Row your boat… gently down the stream! Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily… life is but a dream!”

A symbolic interpretation of the song’s lyrics suggest that if one paddles through the emotions or feelings (the water symbol) in life without resistance, the experience will be gentler; for physical reality is just a temporary dream state of hard learning, the bumpy rocks in the middle of the stream.

Therefore, a person can then come to understand that the One Mind is dreaming reality to be the “best of all possible worlds,” taking into account each and every soul that exists, including animal, vegetable and mineral forms, and how they can interrelate in the most loving way. That kind of awareness able to govern every speck of Creation is hard to fathom and beyond human ken. So man in his or her limited consciousness tends to believe that reality is chaotic. That would the primary mistake that ego commonly makes about the nature of reality.

For All is being taken care of in loving fullness. That is truth. And since consciousness cannot be destroyed, only physical forms end, one is always safe. Yes, the exit from form can be emotionally disturbing at times, but it is only a temporary cloak that surrounds a soul’s consciousness. When that cloak is taken off, an even more powerful being is revealed. For physical form is there to limit, numb and make choosing even harder so that the challenge presented offers an even greater opportunity for personal growth. The common saying, “without pain, there can be no gain” comes to mind.

Now to discuss the wanton state of ego’s desire that everything in reality is similar or the same as the self. Another illusion is of course presented. For even snowflakes are unique unto themselves. Every rock crystal, every growing plant, and every animal down to the minute insects, are unlike the next. So acceptance of the truth that nothing should be the same is giving into the nature of reality. Wanting another human for instance, to be the same as the self, is a trap of ego. And this desire for others to be the same instead of being their unique self, is ego’s want to control everyone and everything to be like the self. What a great task that would be and frankly boring. So the next time you see someone waking down the street wearing hair that has been colored purple, for instance, revel in their uniqueness. If you instead say inside, “Why do they have to wear their hair that way?”, you are in ego’s demanding and limited consciousness. To allow for differences, is to allow all spirit their fundamental uniqueness. To expect everybody to be the same as one would like, is to be in fear and ego.

And finally, wanting reality to be simpler than it is, is simply pointless. For nothing in Creation is simple nor would we want it to be. The only thing simple is ego’s simple-minded desire for it to be that way. Ego wishing things to be different than they are, is literally asking everything in Creation to reform for its individual desire. That can’t happen because reality is well-ordered for the greatest good for All.

Embrace the complexity and challenge that life entails. Then one is alive in the present moment, facing the perfectly chosen adversity set before the soul. In the midst of any one challenge, choose too that which is life-affirming, and the fearful view of the complexity of reality will vanish from the mind. 

Want it to be easier than it is, and growth will be stifled, and an opportunity tossed away for evolving the self. Plus…the pain of ego resistance will be added to the experience. For resistance is truly a futile reaction to the love coming one’s way in the way of a spiritual challenge.

So in summation, ego will wish to drive life’s bus, reacting to every curve or bend in the road with fear. The best way to guard against self-destructive, ego-centric choices is to pass the “S” test. Ask the question often, “Am I wanting this experience to be safe, same or simple?” If the answer is yes to any of those three wants, the ego is in charge of the driver seat. 

If one has a general view in life of, “Bring on the complexity and challenges of life to help my soul!” then the person will be embracing reality with optimism and determination to improve the self. And after all, isn’t that what life is all about?

End transmission.

Here’s a daily tool for controlling ego’s fear.

When one is having trouble trusting in life, ask the question, 

“How am I reacting to the current challenge: 

Do I think I am not safe? 

Do I want things to remain the same? 

Am I complaining that it is too hard? 

These questions will lead you to drop the gossamer veil of powerlessness that fear holds up.

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