Denial Is Not a River in Egypt


Most people believe one should take control of one’s emotions. However, to not allow, acknowledge or express any emotional charge only sends it into denial. Once an emotion is created from thoughts of the mind, it needs to be valued and expressed out in some way, or it gets added to the weight of one’s bag of emotions stored. 

Rather than take control of emotions, one needs to govern them properly, avoiding mental control, which means valuing them and expressing them in some way, either in solitude, or to the person or people who need to hear and see how one feels about a situation. 

To “think” that an emotion just dissipates or vanishes if one controls it, is not understanding how human emotions and feelings exist. Thoughts are things as well as emotions or feelings, for they are real light energy emanating from the consciousness. It has weight despite its aetheric quality of lightness. There is a common belief that they will not exist if one ignores them or controls their expression.

Emotions not expressed by a person, are immediately stored in what is called their “Emotional Body.” It is a less dense field that surrounds a person as part of the auric field. That is why if a person has a red hue in their aura, it simply means that red light energy is stored more in their being than other colors. Red represents the Root Chakra of the hue-man at the base of the spine. It is the base chakra which is also known as the Survival Chakra. If one goes into denial of the red, the lowest light frequency, the entire system of the body slows down and ultimately will cause dis-ease. Prostate cancer in men is when this denial has become too great for the body to cope with without becoming dis-eased. 

Ever wonder why one can tap into old emotional hurts so easily? It is because they are waiting for self expression in a person’s Emotional Body.

This denial of the red has been symbolically represented by the biblical myth of Eve swallowing the red fruit of the mind, rage and anger. In other words, by Adam judging his internal feminine aspect with his mind, picking from the “Tree of Judgment”, negative views of rage or anger being expressed, causes his internal feminine to swallow those emotions instead of expressing them out. 

The sex of women has been incorrectly associated with “eating the forbidden fruit”. For it is really Adam in denial, feeling alone and separated from his emotions and feelings, which is symbolized by Eve eating her rage. It is the Yang male polarity judging the “ugliness” of certain aspects of the Yin feminine polarity. He then mentally, only retreats from himself. 

Most religions have this backwards behavior pattern dogmatically instilled within its belief systems. The Catholics view of the female is that she is less connected to the Divine. The  female is not worthy or honorable enough to be Pope, Cardinal or even priest.

The Islamic view is that the female is subservient and must hide her feelings. The scarf or burka covering the hair is the male polarity’s control over the feminine. Hair is the fundamental symbol for feelings and the Yin aspect. 

The Jewish tradition again wants the female to wear wigs to cover her real hair from prying eyes of other men, and puts the female up in the balcony or back rows of a synagogue. For she is not again worthy of being rabbi or in charge of the Torah. 

The Protestant religious sects also have this negative view of Eve as the cause of all problems, she having ignored God’s word and then tempted Adam to do so. Not true. This second position of the female stems from negative judgment. Once Man acknowledges and releases his mental judgments and understands that the One Mind NEVER JUDGES, he will enter a new period in the species’ development. Everything in the Universe is part of the Body of the One Mind individuated into separated beings and consciousness. So fundamentally, He would not judge himself since all beings are He. 


And the truth about “Judgment Day” is that it was and is a pinnacle moment for humans once they began to stop judging their fellow man, or themselves which includes the internal female aspect. They will free themselves from the gray boxes of mental control as depicted symbolically by the 20th card of the Tarot Deck. It is not a time to be judge by the almighty, but directly the opposite, a time to finally learn not to judge any part of reality. A famous ascended master once said, “Judge not!”. No more important message could be offered to help man out of his denial.

It seems such folly that most religions speak of an unconditionally loving God and then “think” he will judge them in the end. The “End Time” actually means the time when male polarity ego and fear is no longer in control of reality. That pinnacle time is now occurring! 

The definition of unconditionally love is that judgment will never be picked, that one is forgiven no matter what negative action has been committed. For no one understands more the background and reason why a spirit is out of balance or in fear than the omnipotent, One Mind. To put it simply, mankind is so caught in judgment and fear, that he cannot quite fathom yet, the concept of unconditional love.

The true nature of the Universe is that the feminine is at its center, being and feeling, what should be created. It is then the physically stronger, male force of Heart Manifestation which responds to the feminine prompt to form reality. 

First essence (Yin), then form (yang) is the proper order of the Universe. The molecular atom mirrors this proper state of reality. The feminine positive proton, which has all the necessary ingredients, asks the negative male of the electron to act as a satellite to bring reality into form. Since male polarity takes away from the whole to manifest, it is negative polarity like the electron. 

Up to this point, most Earth cultures have had this backwards, with the male force, avoiding his feelings, then forcing the feminine aspect to create for him in an ungodly way. Is it not a wonder that only evil and negative forms have primarily manifested. That unnatural male dominated polarity has now switched as Man entered the 2nd Millennium. The number “1″ is the arrow symbol of male thought shooting and doing while the number “2” is the rigid arrow finally bending humbly with its head bowed, sitting and being on its haunches in a receptive manner. It is therefore the “end of his-story”, the time now for valuing “her-story”. Evidence of this change of polarities is being felt around the world as the “me too” movement expression, the empowerment of the female, held in denial for eons.

Again to reiterate, Eve represents Adam’s Yin polarity that was removed for him to witness and learn about his denial. The yellow chakra located at the Solar Plexus, is the center of feelings, and is situated directly next to the bottom rib which is why that symbol was used to describe man entering into a stage of development called, “Duality”. Once we were in touch with “All That Is” and in a state of Yin and Yang as one. Then fear entered the mental plane, as symbolized by the serpent, whose forked tongue splits man’s consciousness into two polarities, because the mind interferes, not allowing for natural communication.

Let’s define what an emotion is as compared to a feeling. Feelings are how the universal feminine force communicates and creates with each of her spirits. Therefore feelings should always be valued. Emotions, however, stem from the individual’s mind in fear. So to properly govern one’s emotions, one needs to avoid thinking a fearful thought. However, ego is continually throughout the day creating fearful scenarios, the prime example of which is fear to express oneself. So once any emotion is created, it needs to be valued and looked at, and in some way expressed, or it will be shoved into denial and stored for a later date.

Most people do not understand that once a fearful thought and subsequent emotion is created, it exists.  Therefore these fears need to be released and expressed out safely to properly rid oneself of those lower frequency emotions stemming from the mind in fear. If too many red light energies are held within the personal field, those dense feelings will literally cause disease in the physical body. Lower frequency emotions in denial slows down the rejuvenative ability of each and every system of the body.

The soul is unable to shed its Emotional Body as easily on the Spirit Plane than while incarnating and doing it in the denser Physical Plane. For here on Earth, with the watery nature of the planet and the challenges one experiences in life along the way, forces us to express out these sometimes ancient, stored feelings. For the soul exists in a higher dimensional state that is quite heavenly, in the true sense of the descriptive word. Therefore anger and rage cannot be purged as easily. 

To get each Adam to have his internal Eve spit out the swallowed red fruit of mental judgment, one needs to experience a denser state of reality to feel it deeply and fully release. That is why if one thinks that higher realms do not want anger expressed, the person has bought into the mental foolie so ingrained here in cultural dogma, both religious and otherwise. In the USA, the southern states tend to ask for gentility if one is getting annoyed, instead of encouraging that person to release their emotional charge. When anyone asks a person to not get angry, they are really saying, “Don’t express your denial or emotions because they are stimulating my own stored that are of the same frequency. Your anger is causing my own to rise up, and I want to keep them in denial!”

The species is human, but more accurately written, hue-man. That means that each individual is a being of light made up of the full spectrum. We are to mirror the One Mind in such fashion, offering to the rest of the Universe eventually a knowledge of how to express fully all the colors of the rainbow. Throughout this specific Milky Way Galaxy, most civilizations, and there are many, tend to vibrate with the mental blue hue. Hue-mans in the distant future will teach how to not be afraid to use the red hue, as well as the green light consciousness of Heart.

Now if we have chosen to create a fearful thought, there are safe ways to express it out. And that is especially needed if a continual worrisome thought repeats. Eventually an emotional charge builds up which will need releasing. That is the function of the full moon, to pull so mightily upon our stored water (feelings and emotions) that we purge monthly, just as the female does with her red, menstrual cycle monthly. One needs to howl at the moon to remove the beastly emotions held within.

In order to release without shame, it can be advised to scream into a towel when one feels a charge rising, or pillow too. The muffling can often help one let go more. One of the reasons one goes into denial is fear of bothering other people. And if one is really fed up in life, laying on the bed and thrashing a bit, pounding the mattress, puts it deeply into the body for more thorough expunction. Chopping wood or some such  kind of activity can be helpful if one is in touch with stored feelings upon each whack.


It is the very well known symbol of the Ruby Slippers in the famous movie, “The Wizard of Oz”. Dorothy Gales’ task in her dream state is to learn how to express her survival color at those who attempt to dominate herself or those she loves. In the beginning of the tale, she let’s the cruel Elvira Gulch take her dog from her, “to be destroyed!”. Later, after learning her power color, along the feeling path, the “Yellow Brick Road”, (the Solar Plexus is the yellow chakra) Dorothy eventually throws her feelings at the witch ( a bucket of water) and melts her away. This popular book and movie fundamentally teaches about how denial weakens a person and takes their power away. Valuing the feelings by wrapping Lion on the nose, Dorothy stops the dominator from dominating. The “King of the Forest” is then humbled and made more aware of his selfish behavior which only stems from fear and insecurity. Is it not a wonder why this particular movie memorabilia is the most coveted. For it represents an intrinsic lesson that all hue-mans must learn in order to be truly powerful, expression of the Red.

The brain reflects the binary, dual nature of man, his left brain, male polarity, ego, Yang self, that is hopefully learning to work in tandem with his right brain, feminine polarity, Yin, more spiritual connection to the Universe. With denial present, this balancing act is harder to accomplish. For denial distracts and waste energy, having been created in the past. Denial takes us out of the present moment, fundamentally. If one’s Emotional Body is freed up and cleansed, it is much easier for the hue-man to be in its once, original state of the “Eternal Now”. Then the consciousness reconnects and is in a proper flow with the creative force of the Universe. 

In a state of denial, man has pulled away in mental separation leaving Paradise on his own accord. Religious interpretation of this separation is that it was forced upon Adam and Eve for disobeying the Universal Law. That belief does not take into account that all creatures, both large and small, are part of the Universal Body. Therefore banning part of the self for any disobedient act does not take in account this truth. 

It is this process out of denial that is the primary lesson being presented to each and every soul. For with denial comes distraction and a holding onto past hurts. Since all life’s lessons are there to teach the individual to “know thyself”, a tapping into of the denial is a prerequisite for achieving that great awareness. For regardless of how one negatively judges their own emotions, especially rage or anger, they are just who one is, at any one moment. To not acknowledge this is to be not in touch with reality. And that pointless mental escape from one’s emotions will eventually lead the person away from their feelings which are how the feminine aspect of the One Mind communicates with himself and the creatures he loves. Therefore avoiding self expression is resistance to the whole, an ancient fear of shame hidden behind the fig leaf of denial.

The main point here to be learned is that it is great to govern oneself by never choosing fear and therefore never creating a negative emotion. But if someone does inwardly think a fearful thought about anything, he or she needs to acknowledge it, and do some work in releasing it. Then the next step is to try to not choose that fearful thought again in the future. 

A hue-man can’t just ignore emotions because they are who one is. Ignoring expression of the self is a mental folly floating on a watery river. And in some ways, after lifetimes of a continuing pattern of repression, the soul rows his boat very much atop a river, longer and deeper than even the Nile, avoiding feeling the emotions that one has already created for oneself in the past.

End transmission.


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