Aquarius, The Water Bearer of the Zodiac (January 19 – February 17)




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Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. The eleven symbolizes a vertical channel of philosophical and esoteric thoughts of the mind brought down from higher realms.

The element associated with this sign is “Air” which describes the lofty, floaty feeling when in the presence of this type of high-minded consciousness.

Also known as the “Water Bearer,” an Aquarian is that stage of Man’s development where the Mind has taken charge of the darker self and its destructive nature to such a degree as to suggest a soul whose love of his fellow man is quite pronounced.

Water is the fundamental symbol for feelings, archetypically. So in other words, the Aquarian bears his feelings well endeavoring never to hurt his fellow man.

Called too, “The Revolutionist,” because of this sign’s futuristic bent towards positive change, knowing ahead of Earth time what the Mind is planning to form into being, this adventurist, known for “going where no man has gone before,” includes such great leaders as Abraham Lincoln, along with a slew of writers and philosophers, for example, Walt Whitman, who tapped deeply into higher planes of consciousness.

This sign’s altruistic approach to life is clearly depicted in the lyrics of the 60’s iconic song, “Aquarius”:  “Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding, no more falsehoods or derision, golden living dreams of vision, mystic crystal revelations and the Mind’s true liberation, Aquarius!”

The key phrase for this masculine, Yang, Fixed sign is “I know.” For once you meet an Aquarian you are instantly aware of his firmly fixed viewpoint. Even if the person is female, the male polarity thinker, cool feeler, will present itself continually.

One trait that the Aquarian needs to become more aware of is the sense they may give the impression to others of being too distant or aloof. It is not that an Aquarian doesn’t care. For in truth, they care deeply about their fellow man. However, for this Sun sign, meaning basic soul characteristic, the mental plane is much more fun to dance around in than the mundane meanderings of the physical plane which also happens to include people.

The double zigzag line is the symbol for Aquarius. Doubles or twos is very Aquarian being that this sign occurs mostly during the second month of the year. The eleventh sign of the Zodiac too also breaks down in Numerology to 1 + 1 = 2. Therefore, there are two primary interpretations of its symbol, the ripple of water, as well as the jagged lightening bolt. 

Water, previously discussed, leaves then the lightening bolt to symbolize a sudden burst of a brilliant idea right out of the blue. It is a lightbulb moment of inspiration that the Aquarian is so good at achieving, like the inventor Thomas Edison, born February 11, 1847, who so uniquely exemplifies this inventive quality.

Aquarius is the futurist who marches to his own heart’s drumbeat. That is why too, not by mere coincidence, “Valentine’s Day” appears in February. For Heart is very important in forming the color purple, the Aquarian color of the spectrum. It is formed first by the hue of Mind’s blue, mixed equally with the pink of Heart to create the “Purple Ray of the Aquarian Age.” During this 2000 year long period of Man, he will intrinsically learn to incorporate and add Heart consciousness to his mental decisions, rather than just leading with the Mind. The purple Amethyst is also its birth stone.

The ruling planetary body of consciousness which directly affects and influences this sign is the maverick, Uranus, pronounced “Yur’-uh-nus.”

The “out of the box” trait of this Sun sign is shown physically by the planet’s unique horizontal polar positioning, unlike any other astral body of the solar system. It literally is laying on its side instead of upright like the rest. 

The general warning for this sign, especially those born in the more controlled month of Capricorn’s January, is to guard against being so mental in one’s approach that relationships become of secondary importance leaving others out in the cold. Ultimately, that reserved trait can lead the Aquarian searching for brotherly connection in time when it is really too late because others may have emotionally got tired of waiting for a deeper connection and may have decided simply to move on before the Aquarian notices their absence.

End transmission.